The mystery of the Saudi sisters discovered in the Hudson River is growing: they claim to have fallen into the water – 11/02/2018


Did they commit suicide? Did they tie up and jump in the water? The version of a suicide in the case of the two Saudi sisters discovered in the Hudson River, New York, is now the theory that the police mix, but the case is still shrouded in mystery.

The suicide version grew transcendentally, according to CNN, Rotana and Tala Farea, 22 and 16 years old, were alive when they fell into the sea.

The bodies were found dressed on the banks of the Hudson River, tied together by dowels and at the waist with an insulating tape

An officer told CNN that water had been found in the girls' lungs, which would indicate that they were breathing when they fell into the Hudson River, where they were found.

Sisters Tala Farea (left) and Rotana Farea./ EFE

Sisters Tala Farea (left) and Rotana Farea./ EFE

He added that the authorities were still investigating, but were convinced that the death was motivated by a suicide of the girls, whose bodies were found completely dressed on the banks of the Hudson River eight days ago, bound to each other at the legs and waist. an insulating tape

Although it is still necessary to clarify what happened, Rotana and Tala having disappeared from the city where they resided in Virginia (USA) last August, the source revealed to CNN that for the moment no tests found that they were victims of a crime. But with the background of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi (also gone into exile in the United States), dismembered at the consulate of Riyadh in Istanbul, the death of the girls was surrounded by an inevitable halo of mystery.

The inspectors continue to analyze the deaths of young women, whose case has garnered remarkable attention from the US media under strange circumstances and after knowing that the deceased, a Saudi national, they had asked for political asylum in the USA shortly before dying.

Investigations revealed that the sisters, as reported by the anonymous CNN manager, they did not want to go back to Saudi Arabia, something that the authorities of the Arab country they had ordered to the mother of young women when she knows the request for asylum.

For its part, the Saudi Arabian consulate said in a statement Thursday that it "closely monitors, with local authorities, the investigation" into the deaths of these young women, while specifying that he waits for the scientific police reports on which he insisted "They have not been finalized."

In addition, the text indicates that the consulate instructed a lawyer to follow the case and provided assistance and support to the relatives of the victims, who detailed they were students who were in the United States accompanying his brother.

The girls had arrived in the United States from Saudi Arabia in 2015 with their mother and had settled in the state of Virginia, although the police announced that they had left the family home and were in the state of Virginia. 39, be moved to a shelter after another disappearance in December.

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