The narrator and essayist Luis Goytisolo wins the Carlos Fuentes 2018 Prize



The narrator and essayist Luis Goytisolo Gay (Barcelona, ​​1935) rose yesterday with the Carlos Fuentes International Prize for Creative Writing in Spanish 2018 an award from the Federal Ministry of Culture (SC) and the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM).

According to the decision, the jury emphasized "his unwavering and persistent commitment to literature, his desire to renew the traditional novel through the plurality of perspectives, including essay, philosophy and reflection on creation literary herself, the inescapable respect for language and the self-reflexive method of her story. "

Goytisolo is the author of novels such as Las outsires (1958), with which he won the Biblioteca Breve Award; The same words (1963) and his Antagonía written work in four parts that he conceived upon his imprisonment at Carabanchel Prison, where he remained at the same time. isolation for belonging to the Communist Party.

He also published Estela del fuego as Aleja (1984), with which he won the award for criticism; Pigeon Statue (1992), winner of the National Narrative Prize; Scale in the Sky (1999), Liberation (2003), Ear attentive to the birds (2006), Jam and other fables ] and Coincidences to forge their place in the canon of Hispanic letters as an innovative classic and an author who has reinvented and renewed each novel.

As Juan Antonio Masoliver Ródenas writes, Luis Goytisolo has always opened new avenues to reinvent himself in each novel, with "a scenario guided by intelligence, with a steel prose in which a lyrical emotion pulsates in front of the landscape and a disturbing elegiac sensitivity. "

However, he specifies that "This powerful narrator can not be defined as an experimental author, but as a narrator who rejects stability to build his narrations."

Brother of the novelist Juan and the poet José Agustín, Goytisolo was a passionate advocate of the novel, as expressed in his essay Nature of the Novel (2013) – with which he won the Anagrama Essay Prize – where he reminds us that what we know as a novel It is not an autonomous literary genre, but a written form that, over the past four hundred years, has been nurtured by traditions and genres that have disappeared.

I have always had the impression that what we hear today is a novel, rather than an autonomous genre, of clearly defined traits. of training, and development perfectly delimited in time, it tends to be considered as a product of alluvium, residual fruit of the evolution of a series of genres disappeared today, such as the epic, the songs of acts, legends, chivalric books, that is to say: a kind of vague outlines, unlike, for example, poetry or theater, whose mere mention evokes an indisputable concept. "

He adds:" To a certain extent, this is a name issue.What we now understand as a novel has been forged here and there as a crystallization of various forms of narrative, until a new genre is set up a little over four hundred years ago, a case similar to that of his contemporary essay, another new genre, distinct from the writings philosophers or memorialists of the classical world. "

Goytisolo was also a fierce critic what some call "good stories". As when he questioned the meaning of this sentence: "Good stories for whom? From what point of view? Because what we like is not to please others ", as he published in 2004 in the newspaper El País where he declared:

The good stories promoted by the market respond to an attempt to thwart the growing public disinterest in literary creation, which is why such promotion – developed throughout the second half of the 20th century – is eminently defensive in character; massively read to Proust and Faulkner, the bestseller would be about to invent.However, it is a solution that only worsens the situation as it increases the divorce between this which is sold as literature and what must be understood by literary creation. "

Of a bi-annual nature, the Carlos Fuentes International Prize received Mario Vargas Llosa (2012), Sergio Ramírez (2014) and Eduardo Lizalde (2016). In this edition the jury was composed of Eduardo Lizalde, Jaime Labastida, Aurora Egido Martínez and writers Nélida Piñon and Alberto Ruy Sánchez. The prize will be awarded by the President of Mexico and will consist of a diploma, a sculptural work designed by Vicente Rojo and an equivalent amount in Mexican pesos at 250 thousand dollars.



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