The Netherlands: A Ryanair plane was evacuated to the airport due to a bomb threat | Trade | World | Europe


Traffic at the Dutch Airport Eindhoven was assigned Monday after there was a bomb threat on a company aircraft Ryanair who was going to take off with destination in Edinburgh, UK, reported the Dutch military police.

The ship was on the runway ready to take off when a letter containing threatening text was found, so that the device was returned to the terminal and was evicted. Members of the military police with dogs specialized in explosive search have been nearly an hour inside the plane to investigate what happened but found nothing remarkable, the police department reported on their Twitter account. They suffered delays of up to almost two hours, since the planes were forced to stay on the runway with the passengers inside, waiting to receive the aircraft.

At the same time, three planes that had planned to land in Eindhoven, including one from Barcelona, ​​were diverted to other destinations, according to the airport's website. -even.

Source: EFE

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