The networks destroy Tania Rincón for his work in the World Cup (PHOTOS) – La Neta Noticias


The euphoria on the subjects of the Mexican national team in World Russia 2018 is close to the surface and scandals surround some sports drivers. The closest example is that of Tania Rincón .

The presenter Tania Rincón showed that she had great preparation to cover the subjects related to World Russia 2018 with the group TV Azteca; however, some viewers do not agree with their work.

The beautiful animator of the program Come the Joy was characterized by the sharing through social networks of the most epic moments of his life, and the journey to the World Russia 2018 He was not the exception to the rule, as he kept his faithful followers from watching the places he visited in this country.

On the other hand, there are other Internet users who sent them reviews and pointed out to him that it seemed like he was just going for a walk . See the following reactions here:

"You only showed that you were going for a walk and not working"; "Stop playing stupid and work like the rest of your classmates"; "Stop walking exposed"; "It's best to have the dignity and professionalism to have a juicy paycheck, do not let them take you as" edecarne "to sell at other sporting events."

As Expected , the fans defended the driver.] Tania Rincón and congratulated her for her impeccable cover at the 2018 Russia World Cup inviting her to continue her noble work in the sports field.

Photography: Instagram (@taniarin)

] With information from TVNotas, Diario La Verdad and StarMedia

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