The new airport should continue: OECD


The Secretary General of OECDÁngel Gurría felt that the construction of New Mexico International Airport (NAIM) should continue and its cancellation would have a negative impact on the credit markets.

"The eyes of the world are placed on the management, execution and success of this megaproject.Mexico can not fail because it would jeopardize its attractiveness and prestige as an investment platform ", did he declare.

During the presentation of the third progress report on the development of the new airport, he pointed out that adequate international practices have been implemented to encourage its repetition in smaller works.

Among the points highlighted by Gurría, it should be noted that 88.3% of the contracts were awarded on the basis of duly executed tender calls.

At the next consultation to decide whether to proceed with the mega-project, he felt that the following technical arguments validate his execution, even though he acknowledged that the decision would eventually be taken by the next government and would have an impact. negative on the country.

Regarding a possible concession of the terminal, he said that there were different levels of private participation but this is not something that they analyze as part of the agreement that they have entered into with the Mexican government.

He recalled, however, that in Mexico, the experience of private operation of several airports and its smooth operation has already been achieved.

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