The new creator of The Simpsons, a series of Halo and the new robot of the International Space Station


Finally, Friday is here. But before you disconnect and go to the beach or pool to spend the summer heat, there is still time for a final installment of Gizmodo Express this week. Today: the saga of the game Halo will have its own series, we have the first trailer of (Des) charm the new series of the creator of The Simpsons and a new robot approach The International Space Station

The first trailer of the new series by the creator of The Simpsons is here

Disenchantment known in Spanish as (Des) ] is the new series animated by Matt Groening, creator of The Simpsons and Futurama. This medieval story of a drunken little princess, an elf and a demon (called "Luci") will be released on Netflix on August 17, and will be superb in its first trailer.

Instagram Lite is the version of the social network for countries with a bad connection

A new version of Instagram has appeared without notice in the Google Play Store, the Android app store. His name is Instagram Lite and is a small version of the original application, with fewer features but great for emerging countries or with a bad internet connection. The application does not allow downloading videos or sending direct messages, it only allows you to upload photos and enjoy the stories. Her size? Just 573 KB, while the normal application weighs 141 MB

A new series of the game series Halo is developing

Showtime TV is developing a series live-action of Halo The Xbox space adventure video game franchise with Master Chief (known in Spanish as Master Chief). The company has commissioned a total of 10 episodes up to now, many of which will be directed by Rupert Wyatt, director of the film The Rise of the Planet of the Apes . This is not the first time Halo has his own series, but fans surely prefer to act as if Halo: Nightfall has never existed.

La Roca Designs Its Own Headphones for Exercise

] It's no secret that Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson spends much of his day doing the # 39, exercise, but it seems that until now he has not found a headset that he likes enough, and decided to make his own, together with sound specialists in JBL and Under Armor. His name is "Project Rock", they cost $ 249 and his specialty is having everything you need to exercise, including resistance to perspiration and pads to let in air in order to do not cook your ears. In addition, The Rock has also created a Spotify list called Iron Paradise Airwaves if you want to feel more inspired to go to the gym.

A robot with artificial intelligence is en route to the International Space Station [19659011] At the beginning of the year, Airbus announced the manufacture of a new robot with an artificial intelligence to be a "Companion" astronauts of the International Space Station. He calls CIMON (Crew Interactive Mobile Companion) and is already on his way to the space station aboard a SpaceX ship. The robot will be dedicated, with the German astronaut Alexander Gerst, to perform experiments with crystals, a Rubik's cube and to serve as a camera during medical practices.

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