Genre Battle Royale it's positioned as one of the favorites thanks to Fortnite. Today, Electronic Arts has decided to enter this field with Apex Legends, a free game based on the universe Titanfall What is that is developed by Respawn Entertainment.

Apex Legends it's a fallout it leaves out the giant robots of the Respawn franchise and we have more humans and robots called Legends. These legends They have a definite personality and special abilities. So you can choose the one that best suits your style of play.

The Respawn and EA game is defined as an evolution of the Battle Royale and to be honest, it seems interesting that they have proposed something different from what already exists on the market. At first glance Apex Legends it seems a mixture of PUBG with Overwatch. The cards have support for 60 players divided into teams of three.

Apex Legends is 30 years after the events that occurred in Titanfall 2 and the action takes place in an area called Outlands, where teams of legends face each other to determine who is the best.

The evolution of the Battle Royale?

Aesthetically, the game he feels slightly stylized, although not reaching the level of Fortnite. An adjustment in the sense of art is also welcome. This is not that Titanfall looks bad – the sequel is one of the games with better graphics – but opt ​​for a stylized look will help EA reach a wider audience. Decisions like this work well, the proof is the same Fortnite, Overwatch or the old but popular Team Fortress 2.

Apex Legends It's a free game that uses the format free to play. To be profitable, Electronic Arts included loot boxes known as Apex Packs, a store of goods and the ability to buy characters that are not activated at the beginning.

The theme of booty boxes is a delicate thing for EA and to avoid another fiasco like Star Wars Battlefront 2, Apex packs they will offer aesthetic rewards. The distributor will follow a path similar to that of Overwatch in order to keep the gameplay balanced.

Titanfall 3, in limbo

With the release of this game, Respawn has stopped in the series Titanfall. The movement seems logical for two reasons: Titanfall he has never sold enough to guarantee his stay and Battle Royale has become so popular that companies like Activision and other developers indie They had to get on the train.

Apex Legends This comes at a significant time for the distributor. At the date Electronic Arts has no Battle Royale on the market. Several months ago, it was said that Battlefield 5 This modality would be included, but it was delayed for the second quarter of 2019.

Respawn knows that his game it's an experience that will have to be measured over the months. The developers have the vote of confidence of the majority of the fans of the shooters. Remember that Vince Zampella's studio was created by people who gave life to the first Call of Dutyand who are responsible for the success of this franchise.

Those interested in downloading can do so from today. Apex Legends now available on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. Respawn plans to set up a crossover game in the not too distant future. For the moment, they will study the game's performance and make the necessary adjustments to position it as an option in the popular Battle Royale genre.