The new government will promote impeachment against the prosecutor


Cuitláhuac meets relatives of the missing; commits 50 mp, improves the treatment and declares the humanitarian emergency

Antonio Alatriste / Quadratín

Regeneration 28 July 2018 .- Today was a meeting between 17 groups of parents of missing persons and the elected governor of Veracruz, Cuitláhuac García Jiménez.

The meeting was held at the Xalapeño Recreation Center.

First, García Jiménez undertook to seek the approval of a motion by the new legislature dismissal against the current state prosecutor, Jorge Winckler Ortiz

A In this regard, the elected governor considered that it was "an act of justice" that corresponds to the legislative and judicial powers.

refers to the critical situation of enforced disappearances in the entity, the elected governor confirmed that from the first day of his government, he will make a declaration of humanitarian emergency. [19659004] In addition to this figure, resources from the Auxiliary Fund would be activated to cope with the emergency, as well as to re-establish the working groups that were held with the organizations.

He indicated that the special fund would work in the same way Catastrophes (Fonden), so it is possible that the support of the federal government is also requested.

For this, the next head of the Ministry of the Interior, Olga Sánchez Cordero, expressed his commitment to support Veracruz, informed the governor

Finally, he mentioned that the groups insisted to receive a dignified treatment of the Bureau of Expert Services and punishing those who do not comply with their duties:

"It has been asked that the staff of the Public Ministry have a more humane treatment towards them and that They keep what the law says, not to revictimize the loved ones … My commitment is to answer all the requests … to all the opportunity of a respectful dialogue. the courage of those who seek their loved ones. "

Restructuring Fund

Won the election of July 1, during which Cuitláhuac García became the most voted governor in the history of Veracruz, decisions were made s to bring fundamental change to the local public administration

. As we indicate in Regeneration the elected governor will follow the logic of austerity marked by Andrés Manuel. López Obrador (AMLO) and will lower the salaries of the four highest levels of government officials.

In an interview on the radio, he informed that the custom of needing to be a party sympathizer to get to a position will be over, then the professionalisation of the public service will be promoted, as the law.

"(The salary will be lowered) nothing else at the four highest levels, that is to say in the salary of the governor, in the salary of the secretaries, in the wages of the sous. -secretaries and in the salary of the next level who are the general managers of the sector, only of those, and we will also remove privileges such as extraordinary compensations that they have.

"They will also try to professionalize the posts, so that whoever occupies a position knows what it is, for example the secretary of education, because he must be a teacher "

With professionalism, we expect to reduce the costs of advisers or additional staff in public dependencies.

"We are going to review because we have seen an exaggeration in some areas where we have seen up to 20 assigned advisers in one direction we will r because if you have a director, 20 advisers, what's the use of your manager? "

" We have estimated the amount of savings and we are talking about 2 billion pesos. "

] The four highest positions in the public service ladder in Veracruz, are trusted, and are renewed with each government, but this time will be sought to be informed and specialists in the field. [19659004] The career is in the law, we will seek to respect these mechanisms of professionalism of these charges, "he said.

"(However) there are very professional people and I will not act like the previous government that left He started saying goodbye, besides, I will review some referrals that I consider excessive to reincorporate some of these people, because people were running who had 23 years of experience and who had served one government or another, rather the importance of a government there was the professionalism and we must recognize it. "

And with regard to the prosecutor …

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