The news is some of the celebrities who have already voted in the 2018 elections


Today is an important day for Mexico, as the next President of the Republic will be elected. Very early, some celebrities went to their corresponding box to exercise their right to vote and aligned themselves as any other citizen.

In recent days, several actors, actresses and drivers have launched an invitation through their social networks to educate their followers to vote.

This Sunday, there are already many celebrities who have exercised their right to choose a candidate, among them are:

"We must educate by example and show our children the importance to vote and The responsibility that results The future of our country is in our hands ": Inés Gómez Mont.

"To fulfill and exercise our right, in my very quiet box, without lines and citizen participation is in family, the new generations will surely have digital electoral processes." The important thing is that they have awareness from an early age. vote ": Geraldine Bazán

" … Mission accomplished, I already voted, and you? ": Jacky Bracamontes

" Go for our Mexico that we love so much ": Celina del Villar

Lucía Mendez

" Because I love Mexico # YoVoté without fear and with a barbaric emotion to see so many people In the street exercising his right! ": Jimena Pérez

Marimar Vega

Similarly on Instagram, Tiaré Scanda showed that he had already voted.

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