"The next day", Diego Luna's social appeal


Filmmaker, producer, darling actor, Diego Luna formulated a program of action, The next day, based on 12 points, which sums up the national problem to be resolved when a new president was elected, whatever be the winner. To this end, he has convened numerous film professionals and prominent activists who call on the company to engage responsibly in the coming change.

MEXICO CITY (PROCESS) .- The question that the famous actor launches, the director and producer Diego Luna shows the anxiety:

"What are we going to do to the citizens from July 2 who wins the presidency? "

However, we must take the momentum and recommend:

"First and foremost, an enlightened vote must be exercised, and after July 1, citizens have a huge responsibility, because the change the nation has need will not happen if we do not participate, if we do not participate. "

The artist jumped The celebrity with Gael García Bernal in the movie Y tu mamá también, by Alfonso Cuarón, tells in Proceso that after talking with friends about the current situation, "we realized the level of violence that afflicts the whole country and it has penetrated the daily lives of people, since discussions and disqualification have increased in tone even in homes, in the family, and that seems dangerous to us.

The next day, he said that it is a citizens' initiative, "No affiliation to any political party", which invites the Mexican society "to act with empathy during the electoral process." especially, from July 2, which is then the challenge of adapting to a new reality and reconciling our Differences. "

This movement is initiated, mainly by movie people: Paula Amor, Lydia Cacho, Oliver Castro, Alfonso and Carlos Cuarón, Rulo David, Alondra de la Parra, Lila Downs, Guillermo del Toro, Gael García Bernal, Alejandro González Iñárritu, Diego Jiménez, Luiselli Valeria, Luis Gerardo Méndez, Natalia Lafourcade, Emilio Lezama, Emmanuel Lubezki, Diego Rabasa, Julieta Venegas and Luna himself, among others

. Rupo released a 14-minute, two-second video, where Luna stresses in the end: "Let's fight for a more just Mexico, where we all adapt, where conciliation and empathy are the common thread. of the society."

That same day, the manifesto of El día después was unveiled, which contains 12 points, where among other subjects peace and tolerance are demanded, not racism or classism, a critical attitude towards the rulers , not corruption, not poverty, listening to indigenous peoples, respect for gender and sexual orientation of people, solidarity with undocumented migrants and increased support for Education, culture, science and the arts.

in Rogue one: A story of Star Wars (2016), encourages national citizenship to sign the manifesto on the site eldiadesducción.mx

Violence, the most alarming

In the Site Web E The next day, until the closing of this edition, they had already signed about 30 thousand people.

"This call is to raise awareness, communicate, reflect and join," says the director of feature films Abel (2019) and César Chávez (2014)

Commemorates the agitation of the promoters of El día Después, especially because of the violence that manifests itself in various forms in this electoral moment, in a disturbing monologue:

"Suddenly we are in an environment that has normalized confrontation, which has normalized verbal abuse and disqualification. Suddenly it seems like we are not talking anymore, because nobody is listening to each other. That's why we commented, how are we going to participate beyond this election? And what are we going to do ?, and how to be willing to know what's going on, beyond all that, how we will survive the next day. What will we do to wake us up in a country where there will be only one winner, where there will be many people who do not think the same thing, where the confrontation can be normalized and suddenly take this violence and raise it to the levels, unbearable, but I think we are already there. "

Refers to the murders of more than 115 candidates from different parties:

" We believe that these are not conditions for us to vote in peace, with a thoughtful vote, with a conscious vote, and that we even understand that one who does not think like us has the same rights as us. We need to talk about it and come together to analyze what we think it means to be a citizen, what we believe democracy means. "

Member of the Board of the Latin American Office of Washington (WOLA) of the documentary El día después publicly published June 22:

" We made this documentary with several voices give their point of view on citizenship, democracy, and especially on these elections. Hopefully, they help people understand our position, our work and our responsibilities, because it goes far beyond voting. We will be creating other films throughout these days that will have no other interest than to raise awareness of the level of hatred and disqualification that exists between those who govern us, those responsible political parties and candidates. , and this situation has been widened by some media, and this is not good. "

On Friday 22nd, the material circulated on the Internet and other networks, titled El día después Citizen Opinion, where the central themes are: democracy, politics, elections 2018, confrontation, l & rsquo; Social empathy and citizen transformation.

A voice from the film emphasizes: "We are conducting a campaign where the confrontation of ideas is replaced by the attack, because of the low blow, more than anything else. "

At this moment, images of the second presidential debate are seen, and Ricardo Anaya shows two covers of Proceso, and one of them is mutilated.

They say in the new film: Luigi Amara (writer), Ximena Andión (feminist and human rights defender), Ricardo Baruch (activist and researcher on sexual and reproductive rights), Lydia Cacho (journalist), Salvador Camarena (journalist), Ixchel Cisneros (journalist and director) of the National Center for Social Communication, Cencos), Carlos Cruz (member of Cauce Ciudadano and Red Retoño), Daniel Moreno (journalist), José Merino (political scientist), Gisela Pérez de Acha (activist and gada), Carlos Puig (journalist) and José Woldenberg (academic), which lasts 11 minutes 56 seconds, can be seen on https://youtu.be/B8t7jkcbr5y

Call desperate

Alarms alarmed by the moon: [19659004] "The idea of ​​the next day is to come join, so has vote for anyone, it does not matter, here what is worrying is to say, "How are we going to wake up in a country where we do not do not we all think the same thing on July 2nd? And, nevertheless, we must continue to build this change that is indispensable. Because I think that deeper we can not reach, deeper we can not arrive as a country, and this change we all need, without distinction.

"Candidates will get nothing alone, they will realize it if there is a decisive, reversed, critical citizenship that knows how to celebrate the things that must be celebrated and question and demand when it must be done. "


-In the 12 points of the manifesto, the number 5 says that poverty is a form of violence – Luna is asked.

– The inequality that exists in this country is very dangerous, and above all it does not make sense, because the country has to grow evenly so that we can live better. So, I insist, to live this change, it may not be that the country is working for a few as it has been until today. It can not be that in a country like ours there are so few people who concentrate huge levels of wealth!

"In Mexico, there are wonderful achievements, but at the same time there is a very brutal social backwardness, for example, in education, one of the characters in the documentary expresses:" If the rights I have do not have everyone, so these are not rights, they are privileges. "And he's absolutely right! Think about it:" Of course, I can not afford it, I want to live in a where we all have opportunities. "And the levels of violence we are referring to today are withering away some of us and we can not let it wither away."

-In the networks, on the way of July 1, there are innumerable insults, a very high level is perceived high intolerance, do not respect the different ideas, how do you see that?

-Some voices and some media and communication have helped normalize intolerance. Fortunately, there is another part of journalism in this country that I greatly admire and celebrate that exists. Therefore, I assume the responsibility to protect journalists, because my country does not protect them. This nation has become one of the most dangerous to exercise journalism with freedom, and we, citizens, deserve to be informed. Journalism has a deep responsibility in this moment of change.

– There are four candidates for the presidency. As a public person, how did you see your role in the debates and throughout your campaigns?

– In general, as citizens, we deserve a much smarter and more substantive debate. It would be a pleasure to focus their time on proposals, not only to say "I'm going to do this and the other," but also to explain how. How is very important. The countryside lives on the surface.

"I see the TV spots they make and almost all make me nauseous.It's brutal how they talk to us.These are characters who do not celebrate nor celebrate the intelligence, and it makes me wary of them, because they make me think that they prefer that citizenship, without knowing it, and I do not want to be part of that citizenship. "[19659004hesaysthisquestionofalliancesinpoliticalparties:

"Left, right, center, anyway … It seems that there is no congruence in our candidates. It makes me so desperate because I'm afraid that many things that have been accomplished are rejected. I worry about their positions and the speed with which they change to be accommodating in this struggle for power. We do not have four candidates, I see that there are three, and with these three candidates it is very difficult to understand where they are going. "

He is saddened by the inaction of the National Electoral Institute before the purchase of the aforementioned vote: [19659004]" It is horrible that we hear about this news and it there is no consequence! I hope we will get the pressure of the citizens and we will worry about the consequences.

The same day that Luna announced the initiative The following day, the candidate of the federal deputy of Morena by Tlalpan, Gerardo Fernández Noroña, questions in his video column:

"Who serves Diego Luna? said that he would vote for the least bad, when it is obvious that there is a patriot in front of those who plunged the country into hunger, misery, despair.He (Luna) does not question the 16 who are concentrating 143 billion dollars, he does not question the economic system.Talk as if it was a problem of 'Oh, the violence we generate, the discord & # 39; 39. He puts me, as Andrés Manuel, all are equal. "

Explains the politician:

" Who made fraud in 2006, violating the vote of the people, was the right against López Obrador, and then returned to "

Luna manifests to this medium that she continues to meditate on her vote:

" Every day I put it back s in question, and I will continue to do so until the day of the election. It's my responsibility as a citizen and all day I study, I'm informing and I'm thinking about how I'm going to vote. But I will not make it public, at least not now. "

This text was published on June 24, 2018 in the 2173 edition of the magazine Proceso.

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