#The Nicaragua slides on the Venezuelan slope


Dantesca repression suffered by the Nicaraguan people echoed around the world, Nicaragua and Venezuela suffered the cruel killings of the security forces and paramilitaries of their respective governments, they showed how ruthless they are . they can become as long as they stay in power.

The latest events in the Central American nation left much to be desired, a group of Nicaraguan students with three journalists, doctors and priests who was a refugee. a church in Managua under the siege of police and paramilitaries, which shortly before had assailed the National Autonomous University of Nicaragua (Unan), managed to leave the temple on Saturday with the mediation of the episcopate, as indicated by the EFE agency.

The young were handed over to their parents in the back garden of the Metropolitan Cathedral of Managua, in the presence of Cardinal Leopoldo José Br and Stanislaw Waldemar Sommertag, Apostolic Nuncio, in the midst of religious chants and the national anthem Nicaraguan

. Armed attacks are reported in the towns of Diria, Diriomo, Masaya and Niquinohomo in southeastern Nicaragua. where civilian forces maintain road access barricaded at these places in protest against the Ortega government, denounce the so-called "Autoconvocados."

The so-called "Operation Cleanup" executed by the Government of Nicaragua to remove obstacles in the streets and roads, installed by the opponents, made ten new victims, while the IACHR asked the state to guarantee the life of the population.

All these events provoked the international repudiation of the Nicaraguan government, Bill Nelson and Marco Rubio, on Saturday (July 14th) rejected the attacks of the Nicaraguan police and paramilitaries against the students of the opposition the government of Daniel Ortega [19659004] The Argentine Government declared "unacceptable aggression against civil society, clerics and human rights defenders" in Nicaragua and called on the Central American government to "cease" the "repression" and "restore the peaceful coexistence. "

Chile on Saturday urged the Nicaraguan government to resume internal dialogue and end the violence against the citizens, which has been going on since April, resulting in several deaths and injuries. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Chile said in a statement that he was watching with great concern these facts and the lack of concrete progress.

The massacre of young people in Nicaragua does not stop. It's very painful. The story of what happened in Venezuela is repeated. These murders are perpetrated before the eyes of the world, live and through social networks, without the world doing much, beyond diplomacy.

We can only hope that other South American nations do not follow the example of Maduro and Ortega to perpetuate power by using the people's weapons against the people.

In @ReporteYa we have selected some opinions of our outstanding disciples:

Our follower, withape @apepape writes: "This President of Nicaragua the human heart has been lost."

The user, Molly @ girasol0626 points out: "The evil takes hold of Latin America."

The user of Twitter, Eduardo Navarro Cores @EduNavarroCores expresses: "The scenario of Europe, Africa, Middle East, today is the turn of Latin America, funded terrorists, and sales of weapons to a million dollars. 19659004] Our disciple, Cristian Crespo F. @cristiancrespoj reports: "The same state of terror and socialist repression that has invaded Latin America."

MEP Beatriz Becerra @beatrizbecerrab, comments: " Nicaragua slips on the Venezuelan slope but at an even greater speed. "

The lawyer, Mariano de Alba @mari anodealba writes: "#Nicaragua arrives today at 89 days of civic demonstrations against the government of Daniel Ortega, who releases students with paramilitary groups."

The PROVEA account @_Provea arguemtna: "From Venezuela, we express our solidarity with the human rights defenders of Nicaragua, especially those who constitute the @cenidh, threatened today by the pro-government authorities and paramilitaries accompany the victims @ Almagro_OEA2015 @CIDH. "

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