The number of neurons that die in a stroke: your doctor


Every minute is crucial to prevent the after-effects of a stroke.

A cerebrovascular accident (stroke) or stroke is considered a medical emergency that requires immediate attention to survive and prevent serious sequelae. The seriousness of this problem lies in the fact that every minute that is allowed to pass, 633 000 neurons are lost.

Therefore, it is crucial to recognize the symptoms at an early stage and seek immediate medical attention.

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How many neurons die in a stroke?

According to Rajan Gadhia a specialist in the Department of Neurology at Houston Methodist Hospital a stroke occurs when blood flow is interrupted somewhere in the brain, leaving it without oxygen and without nutrients

As a result, millions of neurons begin to die almost immediately.

There are two types of cerebrovascular accident the first being ischemic and occurs when a blood clot comes off.

The second is haemorrhagic which occurs when a blood vessel breaks and there is bleeding in the brain.

 cerebrovascular accident

People over the age of 60 are the most likely to suffer from it and in many cases this can be a deadly problem.

When the person manages to survive a stroke, there are usually some lingering permanent handicaps and problems with speech, weakness, headaches, cognitive dysfunction, facial paralysis, among others.

The main cause of these sequelae is the huge number of neurons that die every minute during a stroke

. "About 1.9 million neurons are lost every three minutes after a stroke, so that medical attention should not be delayed, every second involves the loss of brain tissue, "points out specialist Gadhia.

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In addition and under the World Brain Day which is commemorated all July 22 the specialist notes that high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol, smoking and lack of Physical activity are the main risk factors for having a cerebrovascular accident.

How to recognize a cerebrovascular accident?

According to the specialist, the took the simple signs of an accident v cerebral are usually stammering, mental confusion, or difficulty speaking.

Other symptoms may include a crooked mouth, stiff muscles of the face or a smile without symmetry and the inability to lift both arms. vision loss or blurred vision, headache, dizziness and vertigo are other common symptoms of stroke or embolism .

However, each patient is different and these symptoms may not be present exactly. In any case, this should not happen and you should see a doctor immediately.

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