The nurse of the IMSS who sells organs is arrested


CHIHUAHUA (El Universal) .- Jorge Alberto was nursing assistant of the IMSS (Mexican Institute of Social Security); However, he had unusual power in the institution: he could sell staff seats and organs for transplantation to patients.

The man lived surrounded by luxuries resulting from his illicit activities; However, when he could not keep his "clients", he decided to kill them.

Authorities estimate that he has committed at least seven homicides. The nurse was working at the Morelos General Hospital before being arrested. He had a salary with which he would never have bought the 10 luxury cars.

At Seguro, everyone knew that Jorge had important ties to the union and that for a large sum he had "places". "Sueños sin cumplidas"

Laura Soto, administrative assistant of a small IMSS clinic, dreamed of having a better income, one day she discovered Jorge and contacted her.

Depending on the type of place desired, it was the "chop" "For the union, the nurse explained." Laura managed to raise 80 thousand pesos, with which would have "reason "to a position in the central offices; However, several weeks have passed and the ascension has not occurred, just as his colleagues, who also gave money to Jorge, have

The prosecution estimates that only this group received about 600 thousand pesos.On December 6, the woman received the appeal, Jorge communicated to tell him that everything was ready, that they would be seen the next day near the offices of the delegation.

On the 7th, he was waiting to meet the nurse, but he died of a vehicle. he was shot at close range, Jorge was tired, he was another victim

Illusion and tragedy
Daniel Gregorio Romero suffered from diabetes, his quality of life was getting worse every day. He was retired from Conagua and for months he was waiting for a kidney transplant; however, he occupied the last places on the waiting list

The Romeros contacted Jorge Alberto and a doctor, not yet identified, who let them know that they could have the kidney, without needing to be a plaintiff.

the agreement involved a payment of half a million pesos; however, the nurse did not comply and the complaints began.

On June 30, the Romero family cited Jorge at home. What happened that night is not publicly known, but the authorities said that a security video shows how a man killed the five family members one by one and has "forgiven" the life of a 2 year old boy.

His wife, the accomplice
"My wife is a good woman," boasted nurse Jorge Alberto to a friend – who is now a protected witness –

The Public Prosecutor's Office the judge that he was dealing with the case the wife of the nurse, Lizzeth CS, participated in the crimes and the operation of the sale of the places; but she is fugitive.

Lizzeth, his wife, kept abreast of all the agreements of the nurses, including – according to the protected witness – the woman having a gift for eloquence, she was the one who attended the "difficult cases", The testimony indicates that when Jorge could no longer negotiate, his spouse stepped in, which usually allowed to get more time, through discussions about a better life, luxury, cars, and d & # 39; other arguments that used to convince the staff of the IMSS who was looking for them.

Although the state delegation of the institution reserved information on the case, it was learned that the couple had a tabulator in which payments they went from 35,000 to 100 000 pesos for those already working in Social Security who wanted to reach a higher position.

The cost of entry for the first time was 80 thousand pesos. The prosecutor's office was able to determine that Laura Soto, an employee of Clinic 58, summoned by the nurse in front of an IMSS nursery to deliver her documents to the central offices last December, was murdered at the 39, inside a hospital. The suburban black color property of Lizzeth.

The authorities are looking for his arrest to Juan A., who was working as director of the panel works in the IMSS.

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