The OAS emphasizes strong participation in elections; there are isolated incidents


Luis Moreno

During the development of the electoral day in the country there were only isolated incidents of violence ] but no major event, said the chief of mission of foreign visitors of the Organization of American States (OAS), Leonel Fernández .

"During the celebration of the event, only isolated incidents took place, fortunately" There was no outbreak of violence that prevented the full exercise of the right to vote " , he pointed out.

He noted that the fact that the ballots were completed in the special boxes cause difficulties ] but that is because there was a large influx of participants which is a new phenomenon in the election day

"In special boxes there has been an impoverishment of ballots and it is causing a difficulty. The electoral authorities are aware of this but the law only allows the 750 ballots per box and what happened is that they were exhausted because people went to make suffrage, so it is a very new phenomenon that is exhausted by wide participation . We will see how the authorities solve the problem, "he said.

He noted that although there is a large influx of participants we will have to wait for the accounts to see the percentages of citizen participation He added that before the large influx of voters it is necessary that citizens be patient before the presentation of the results since there are more than 18 thousand. are contested



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