The OAS mission deplores the violence that has surrounded the elections in Mexico


CITY OF MEXICO (appr) .- The Observer Mission of the Organization of American States (OAS) lamented the high levels of violence that surrounded the electoral process in Mexico, including the United States. The clearest expression was the killing of at least 103 political actors in 25 states, but also by telephone threats that forced some candidates to quit.

In its preliminary report, the mission hailed the triumph of Andrés Manuel López Obrador and congratulated the Mexican people for "the successful celebration of the elections", "the democratic spirit" that prevailed last Sunday – estimated that the elections have passed "with tranquility in most states" – and the fact that, for the first time in history, half of the charges Legislators will likely be occupied by women.

But he also recalled that throughout the campaigns, 46 candidates and pre-candidates were killed, as well as 43 f former and former municipal officials and six other political party leaders, who placed electoral process as one of the most violent in the region in recent years. "

And noted that during the election day on July 1, murders were reported in Michoacán, Chiapas, Guerrero and Puebla, "in incidents possibly related to the election" and "targeted incidents of violence including the theft and destruction of bulletins, shootings and fights in the vicinity of incidents in the country. "

" Voting was suspended in 13 polling stations for theft and / or destruction of election materials, and the enumeration and enumeration in two cases of theft and theft / or destruction of election materials ", adds the document, which indicates the delay in the opening of a" significant number "of boxes.

he denounced between the lines the delivery of prepaid cards as propaganda material, and observed the theft of electoral packages in Oaxaca, Veracruz and Tlaxcala. He also lamented the "offensive speech" that the candidates used during the election campaign, but also expressed concern about spreading false news during the process.

Present in 25 states since June 21, the 65 observers The mission confirmed the problems generated in at least 292 of the 1,551 special spaces where the 750 assigned seats were exhausted, which "prevented some citizens from exercising their right to vote and created tense situations around special places. "

" At the beginning of the day, they observed delays in the installation of polling booths, which generated long lines of citizens around polling stations. The mission observed that after some time, some citizens had to retire without exercising their right to vote, "the report says.

The mission recalled that PAN candidate Ricardo Anaya Cortés complained that the Attorney General's Office (PGR) sought to "tarnish his candidacy" by broadcasting images and press releases about the appearance of the politician.

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