The Obrador team will join the NAFTA negotiations: private sector


The members of the team of the virtual winner of the presidential elections in Mexico Andrés Manuel López Obrador, will join the Mexican negotiators of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) said Juan Pablo Castañón, President of the Council for the Coordination of Business (CCE).

"What I understand is that one or two people of the next president would join the negotiating team, so that they learn the details of the negotiation," a- he commented. in conference call.

He indicated that this work dynamic will serve to follow the negotiation and to take into account the possible implications of any alternative solution, as well as the impact on the national economy.

There will be a ministerial round after the elections in Mexico and before the United States, said the business sector will continue the work of discussion of the so-called fourth joint, as they did, to follow the renegotiation of the trade agreement

He said that the proposals of the Mexican team continue on the table and that it is only a matter of response from their American counterpart, especially in the key issues, as a rule of origin. automotive industry, temporality, sunset clause and dispute resolution mechanisms. These issues must be a more political dialogue and closer to an agreement in principle, "said Mr. Castañón, who stressed that the country has the necessary conditions to build confidence in foreign investment with the victory of López Obrador, that Mexico is able to generate trust abroad and, of course, it generates trust and we are proud of what we have accomplished and we can continue to build. "

added that the private sector would maintain its investments and work positively to have public policies that help promote the development and well-being of Mexican families.

Seeking a meeting for a common agenda

Castañón also assured that They are preparing a meeting with the virtual elected president to address issues related to the economy , competitiveness and employment.

"We have been in communication during the day of yesterday and today to have a possible meeting with López Obrador and I & 39; whole of the business sector. We are working on this, "he said during a conference call.

] It's time to work together on an agenda on competitiveness, economic freedom, macroeconomic variables, public spending, inflation, stability and other issues

"It's time to seek the unity of Mexicans and entrepreneurs" In the proposal to continue working for an open Mexico, prosperity, combat insecurity, impunity and corruption and, in At the same time, promoting the competitiveness and growth of small and medium-sized enterprises, "he said, chief executive commented that this sector will support the proposals of the winner of the electoral contest and will have sustainability [19659016] but it is necessary to speak

On the first speech pronounced by López Obrador after the tendencies that favored him, commented that it is positive for him to d & # 39; have demonstrated the interest in working in the area. the freedom of enterprises, the autonomy of the Bank of Mexico, as well as in the fiscal and financial discipline of the country.

"Do not raise taxes or debt seems cautious if one combines that the Bank of Mexico, in its autonomy, control inflation as an important economic variable," Castañón said, who trusted that energy commitments would also be maintained to give certainty to investments.


  • Business Coordinating Council
  • Juan Pablo Castañón
  • Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador
  • AMLO
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