The opposite poles do not attract, science has denied the myth!


We have always heard (and believed) the myth that opposing poles attract one another. Now, science has come to break that belief, because a Harvard professor denied it in a lecture.

On the basis of several scientific studies, professor and psychologist Daniel Gilbert stated that opposing poles do not attract each other. Instead, we are attracted to individuals who resemble us, but "physical appearance is the determining factor of romantic attraction".

"Genetics makes us attractive," said Gilbert in his lecture on the science of "romantic attraction," a speech given at the Escorial on the occasion of the lectures. Summer of the Complutense University of Madrid.

Genetics is the domain that explains how inheritance is transmitted from one generation to the next by man, what Gilbert calls "temporary vehicles", invented by the DNA "to carry it and do it – genetic instructions of life – stay in time. "

According to the expert, our genetics ensures that we meet the requirement necessary to perform this transfer of DNA, which is other than sexual intercourse.

we are "selective" when it comes to choosing with whom we will have sex and even more with whom we would have offspring.

According to some studies, women are more selective than men, something that depends on biological factors, as long as the amount of sperm that a man can produce is unlimited, women only have 300 eggs throughout their lives.

Gilbert also talks about risk of diseases sexually transmitted, and the "cost of reputation", since in many societies promiscuity is judged more severely in women than in men


Regarding the importance of sex. Physical appearance, everything depends on each culture and What she considers to be an ideal of beauty. Although the measure of what is beautiful has changed over time, a reference that is always maintained is the proportion.

Gilbert argues that nature has designed us to attract the opposite sex: estrogen makes women more curvilinear and attractive to male eyes, while testosterone makes men stronger and gives a sense of protection.

But all is not limited to the physical, our senses also determine which is attractive to us through the smell or sensations by embracing it. In addition, there are factors that depend on hormones, such as girls' taste for serious voices.

Geography also has to do with our choice of partner, because according to Gilbert although we thought we could choose, we have already been

Physical proximity conditions what will be the "small portion of the world population" that we will know our life and know the possibilities we have to "get together" with someone because of their proximity can make us love more or less.

The Harvard professor argues that there is no mystery in the attraction: "We fully understand how it works and where it comes from; It's the voice of our genes, "he said.

" Although we are marked by our genes, we are not their prisoners, nature has made us intelligent so that, well that genes put us in one direction, we can choose if we take another. "Believe that this level kid" nothing to see "is the love of our life, hehe! he commented that to Ariana Grande and Pete Davidson? Or the Kardashian-Jenner?

With Huffington Post information.

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