The PAN and Morena, against the clock to challenge El Carmen's electoral calculus


CAMPECHE, Cam. ( .- On the verge of exhaustion, today, the legal deadline for the opposition parties to present their dissent against the mayor's election in the municipality of El Carmen, the municipal council of the Electoral Institute of the State of Campeche (IEEC) had not delivered the detailed minutes of the calculation session in which the "fraudulent" won Oscar Oscar Oscar Roses Gonzalez.

However, the representatives of the PAN and Morena candidates, Pablo Gutiérrez Lazarus and Ramón Ochoa Peña, prepared their appeals, in the case of the first, and the nullity in the second, against the result of this election.

The IEEC clarified this morning the transfer to the state headquarters of the disputed election packages of the mayor of the municipality of El Carmen, in which the triumph "fraudulent "was given to PRI-PVEM-Panal candidate, Óscar Rosas.

In the context of this post-election conflict, Mayor Gutiérrez Lazarus, who fought for re-election and who, presumably, the electoral authority stole the triumph, ceased today. Hui to be City Manager of Public Security, Roads and Transit, Carlos del Rivero Galán. Instead, Julio Villanueva was in charge of the office

Although the city council did not report the case, it was assumed that his dismissal was due to the fact that he was was photographed yesterday in the premises of the municipal electoral council of Ciudad del Carmen.

Nevertheless, Del Rivero Galán will continue to run the State Preventive Police in El Carmen

Administratively, the municipal police depend on the municipality, but on the operational level, it is under the sole command of the Secretariat of Public Security of the State. ] On Thursday evening, 12 riot police attacked PAN and Morenoites with fists and tear gas who demanded from the electoral authority the delivery of detailed minutes of the computer session in which they reportedly gave the report. triumph to the PRI candidate.

session ended Wednesday, the day when his majority record was also handed to Rosas González, but until this e the document required by the unsatisfied parties, and which is essential to the means of dispute and nullity that they would present, had not yet been submitted to them.

The General Council of the IEEC yesterday approved the change of seat of this capital city council El Carmen election at the request of its president, Guadalupe Miss Sánchez, to protect "the physical integrity and the life of its members before the protests of PAN and Morena supporters for alleged electoral fraud.

The Carmelite City Council already installed here and the truck that brought the parcel and documentation related to the election of the mayor arrived at the headquarters of the IEEC at about 3:30 am. The download process was completed two hours later

The discharge of the download of the electoral packages was made in the presence of the representatives of the political parties, as well as the members of the Municipal Council Carmen. The notary public number 23, Fanny Guillermo Maldonado, testified of the procedure.

With the arrival of the truck, the El Carmen City Council members were shown the physical space occupied by the IEEC Technical Liaison Unit and the physical space occupied by the IEEC Technical Liaison Unit. used was activated as a warehouse to protect the election material,

After the download, access to the site was sealed.

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