The PAN candidate in Querétaro is promoted on giant screens paid by the city council


CITY OF MEXICO (AP) .- Felipe Fernando Macías Olvera, in charge of the logistics of the campaign of Ricardo Anaya Cortés in Querétaro, authorized the purchase of giant screens that he has then used to publicize his own image as a deputy federal candidate for District 4 Relative Majority.

According to the minutes of the Queretaro Capital City Council, to which Apro had access, in his role of adviser Macías Olvera – better known as "Felifer" – licensed in February 2016 the concession and operation of 10 self-sustaining structures for marketing and advertising purposes, located in important avenues such as the federal road Querétaro-San Luis Potosí, Mexico-Querétaro Expressway and Bernardo Quintana Boulevard Rioja, among others. [19659003] However, the company that won the call for bids, as well as the conditions of construction and consideration for the use of these estate assets, is unknown. because the board did not make the contract public.

In the February minute agreement of this year only the location and the number of spectacular are detailed: four on the Boulevard Bernardo Quintana Rioja, two on Avenida 5 de Febrero, two more on the l 39; Federal Highway Queretaro-San Luis Potosí and the other on the Mexico-Queretaro Expressway

Until yesterday, the giant screens broadcast the propaganda of "Felifer" as a candidate for the MP Federal District 4, and for the presidential candidate of the Republic, Ricardo Anaya, both by the coalition Por México al Frente

The political career of "Felifer" as municipal councilor of the capital of Querétaro – an entity where Anaya was a local deputy and private secretary of the governor Francisco Garrido was marked by decisions "disorders" of the council, among which the concession of a millionaire contract to the company Red Ambiental SA de CV for the collection of pla cer parking meters in discretionary areas and the privatization of the drinking water supply service, commissioned to the company "Restoration of water and sanitation queretana."

And in early February, Macías Olvera was severely criticized by local media after he knew that he was absent for more than a month to support presidential candidate Ricardo Anaya, without losing his salary as a local council official.

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