The panista Diego Sinhué Rodríguez Vallejo triumphs in Guanajuato


GUANAJUATO, Gto. (apro) .- Guanajuato will have a coalition government led by Diego Sinhué Rodríguez Vallejo, candidate of the National Action Parties (PAN), Democratic Revolution (PRD) and Movimiento Ciudadano (MC), who obtained 49.6% of the votes, according to the Preliminary Election Results Program (PREP).

Ricardo Sheffield, of Morena, a political force that ranked second in the entity, displaced the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI). On the morning of this Monday, after the capture of 6 thousand 586 minutes, 983 thousand 436 votes were counted for Rodríguez Vallejo, who since last night – just an hour after the polls closed – declared the winner.

At 25 points from the PAN, Ricardo Sheffield Padilla, candidate for Morena and the Labor (PT) and Social (PSE) parties, who also highlighted last night "the historic vote for a candidate for governorship postulated left.

Similarly, he recalled that, throughout the campaign, the coalition Together We Make History has filed 14 criminal complaints and 19 for allegations of improprieties, and stated that he hoped that they would be treated and resolved as soon as possible.) 19659002] According to the 88% reduction of the PREP, Ricardo Sheffield obtained 24,3% of the votes cast, ie 483,000 209. With that, the PRI was moved to third place: His candidate, Gerardo Sánchez García, was found with 12.8% of votes

The PRI was no longer seen after voting in Salvatierra, and he canceled a conference scheduled yesterday at 10 am

.] The other two aspiring governors, Felipe Ca Marena García of Mexico's Green Ecologist Party (PVEM) and María Bertha Solórzano of Nueva Alianza Panal) won 6.7% and 2.8% respectively of Guanajuato's vote.

The electoral association reported that citizen participation reached 52.7%.

The PAN-PRD-MC coalition also has an advantage in the local majority councils that took place yesterday, winning 20 of 22, according to the PREP. Morena-PT-PES won only one district, the XIV of Salamanca, and the PAN remained with another, where he competed without a coalition.

With regard to town halls, PREP throws triumphs for the PAN in 25 of the 46 municipalities. Morena leads in five, including Apaseo el Alto, with María del Carmen Ortiz Montaño, who replaced her husband José Remedios Aguirre, murdered weeks before the elections. PRI won 11 municipalities, Nueva Alianza one, PVEM two and PRD two.

The PRD lost Cortázar, the municipality where the former state governor, Hugo Estefania Monroy, wanted to be re-elected, in the transport company from which a police operation had been carried out on the Saturday preceding the elections. In this place propaganda, food and shoes were assured that the candidate probably gave in exchange for votes.

Three members of the close circle of Estefania Monroy will occupy local and federal MPs, thanks to the coalition with PAN. It is his private secretary Emmanuel Reyes Carmona, for the Federal District 13; his wife, María Alejandra Torres Novoa, as local deputy for the multi-member way, and her daughter-in-law Paola Yáñez González, as deputy of the district of Dolores Hidalgo 1.

The two Reyes Carmona and Paola Yáñez were favored proportion of five to one on the votes obtained by the PRD in the respective districts.

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