The peso regains ground against the dollar which sells up to 19.40 pesos


This morning, the free dollar reaches a maximum price of 19.40 pesos for sale, nine cents less than yesterday's closing, and is offered at a minimum of 17.95 pesos in US banks. mexico.

According to the Banco BASE, the peso begins the session with a moderate appreciation, partly correcting the losses suffered yesterday that have brought the exchange rate of resistance close to 19.20 pesos a year. dollar.

He explained that unlike Thursday's session, there is now less risk aversion and a moderate recovery of capital markets in Europe, which allows a return of demand for foreign currencies. emerging economies.

He explained that during the session, for the exchange rate, the visit of the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs United States a Mexico, Mike Pompeo, who will meet the Chancellor of Mexico shortly after 10 am, visit related to the last migration crisis in Central America.

It must be remembered that yesterday the US President Donald Trump, threatened to close the southern border of the United States and resort to the military, if Mexico did not stop the flow of undocumented immigrants from the south, thereby minimizing the T-MEC which has generated strong upward pressure on the exchange rate.

For the moment, the concern has eased, as the US media reports that the Trump administration and the Mexican government are entering into an agreement to regulate migratory flows, which is contributing to the progress of the peso this morning, he added.

The financial institution expects during the trading session the exchange rate to be between 19.00 and 19.20 pesos per dollar of interbank rates for sale.

For its part, the Bank of Mexico (Banxico) reports in the Official Journal of the Federation (DOF) that the exchange rate for transactions denominated in the foreign currency payable in the country is 19,1018 pesos.

In addition, equilibrium interbank interest rates (TIIE) at 28 and 91 days are located in 8.1150 and 8.1535, the first unchanged and the second with a loss of 0.0035 percentage point.

FREE DOLLAR 18,55 19.40
interbank 19.08 19.09
EURO 21.94 21.95
AND IN .1695 .1697
POUND STERLING 24.91 24.95
FREE DOLLAR 17.95 19.35
EURO 21.40 22.25
AND IN 0.166 0.174
POUND STERLING 24h30 25.25

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