The peso strengthens in June and the stock market has its best month since 2015, before the elections


The peso strengthens in June and the stock market has its best month since 2015, before the elections

The uncertainty over the election result next Sunday, in which Andrés Manuel López Obrador arrives in The proof was the good performance of the peso throughout the month: it gained 0.26%, while the Mexican stock market recorded its best monthly performance since February. 2015.

This Friday, the peso experienced a slight decline: the interbank dollar closed at 19.8730 units and, at the counters of the banks, it sold at 20.40 pesos, or 20 cents of more than yesterday. The BMV finished the week gaining 1.37%. The price and price index (CPI), which includes the 35 most liquid issuers of the square, rose to 47,677.92 units

Mexico, June (however) .- One day before polling day in Mexico, the peso ended with a slight decline after accumulating continuous profit sessions, while the Mexican Stock Exchange (BMV) posted its best monthly performance since February 2015.

The last day In June, the interbank dollar ended at 19.8730 units, according to data from the Bank of Mexico (Banxico). In cashiers, the greenback is sold at 20.40 pesos, 20 cents more than yesterday

The performance of the Mexican currency throughout the month was positive: it gained 0.26% thanks the weakness of the dollar, which had a volatile day that brought it back to its minimum level: 19.6291 units and a maximum of 19.9930 units

The peso was boosted in recent sessions by internal and external factors . Among the first, Vice-Governor Banxico, Javier Guzmán, said yesterday that, given the risks that remain on inflation, further adjustments to the reference rate should not be excluded.

The above is due to the fact that the inflation rate in June was at an interannual rate of 2%, its best level since February 2017, having started this year at 1.3%


The Mexican Stock Exchange of Valores (BMV) finished the week up 1.37%, its best monthly performance since February 2015. The Price and Quote Index (CPI) , which includes the 35 most liquid issuers on the market, stands at 47,677.92 units

According to Bloomberg, the risks of a victory of Andrés Manuel López Obrador, a leading candidate by ballot, have already been recognized on the market.

"Investors hate the likely winner of the residential race of Mexico on Sunday, but prefer the well-known leftist than the great uncertainty that stifles Brazil.Some analysts say the risks, including the expected victory of the leading candidate in The polls, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, have been fully accounted for in Mexican assets.In the meantime, the Brazilian stock market should continue to face difficulties before the October elections with an unknown outcome, "said JP Morgan , one of the oldest financial services companies in the world. This week, international investors are calm and confident about next Sunday's elections in Mexico

"Méxepepeda stressed that the tranquility of the electoral process in Mexico has resulted in the stability of the exchange rate and the Mexican stock market." That can change, I do not know what will be the reaction in the aftermath of the elections, but according to what I see in the international markets, there is confidence and tranquility, "said the executive to media gathered at the BMV.

In this regard, José Oriol Bosch, general manager of the Mexican Stock Exchange, agreed that the market has reduced the effect that the result of the presidential election of Mexico. [19659005NextSundayatotalof89million393thousand959Mexicanswillgotothepollstochoose3thousand407shipmentsamongthemPresidentoftheRepublicsenatorsdeputiesandninegovernors

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