The PGR secures a casino in Delicias, Chihuahua


The Office of the Attorney General of the Republic (PGR), with the support of federal ministerial police and experts in the field of electronics and telecommunications, secured a building that served as a casino in Delicias (Chihuahua) and arrested a person. In a statement, he said that according to the investigation, said establishment had no permission granted by the Ministry of the Interior (Segob) to operate as a casino.

He indicated that derived from investigations made by the staff of the unit specializing in the search for crimes against the environment and provided for in special laws, a search warrant granted by the district judge special in the accusatory criminal system resides in Chihuahua.

Read: PGR secures illegal casino equipment in Chihuahua

There were 203 secure electronic machines, an American roulette wheel, six poker tables, 13 calculation teams, a thousand 974 cards of play with a total value of 258 thousand 975 pesos, thousand 018 tournament chips and 250 cards.

The arrested person and the insured items were made available to the federal authority for legal purposes to be determined, by the likely violation to the Federal Law of the Games and Draws.

Read: They are choking fire in an abandoned Naucalpan casino

With the Notimex Information [19659002] JLR

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