The photo of Irina Baeva who raises suspicions of pregnancy among her fans


New York, USA After that Irina Baeva denied at a meeting with media that to be pregnant, and that he even exposed not having been aware From this speculation, the possibility that the actress is expecting a baby is once again a topic of conversation.

Irina is in New York for work commitments, from where she shared images where you will enjoy iconic places like Central Park and the Brooklyn Bridge.

One of these images raised suspicions in your social network subscribers if you're waiting for a shoot because they argue that It looks like a pregnancy belly.

Some users
do not consider that Irina shows signs of pregnancy and that many others have taken advantage of the comments section to emphasize the beauty of the actress.

On the
speculation which emerged a few days ago that
she and Gabriel Soto, with whom he has been told has a romance,
they are waiting for a son together, the Russian actress said:

I did not know, I was pregnant and I did not know. No guys, it's totally wrong. Likewise, we must not ignore everything people say because there are really a lot of inventions and tomorrow something is invented. No, totally wrong, I did not know, "said the Russian actress.


  • celebrities
  • Irina Baeva
  • Rumor
  • The pregnancy
  • Social networks
  • Photography
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