The police chief of Tzucacab is fired in the case of a murdered peasant


TZUCACAB, Yuc. (approve) .- Mayor Danny Balam Balam announced the dismissal of the director of the municipal police, Ariel Samos Sánchez, after the outrages that were recorded during a protest this afternoon for the murder of the peasant José Alfredo Chan Navarrete, in the hands of the state police

The demonstration resulted in riots, the balance of four municipal officers having been beaten, two patrols damaged and destruction at the town hall and the police headquarters.

Chan Navarrete was shot dead twice last Wednesday in his home – at the Xcobiakal Police Station – in the hands of state police officers who, according to the official version, acted in self-defense when the deceased shot them and tried to shoot at them.

The victim's parents were planted this afternoon from the facilities of the municipal palace with the warning that they would not withdraw until the dismissal of Samos Sánchez.

Tonight his request was satisfied.

The mayor announced that the cabildo approved the dismissal of the police chief, who was also placed at the disposal of the head of the Secretariat of Public Security (SSP), Luis Felipe Saidén Ojeda, for the demarcation of responsibilities .

to the relatives the office that went to Saidén Ojeda to request the expulsion of Samos Sánchez, who according to the relatives of the victim gave the order to shoot Chan Navarrete

"Due to the unfortunate events that took place at the police station of Xcobiakal in past days, through this present I strongly request the resignation of the director of the municipal police C. Ariel Samos Sanchez, because it is an element of the jurisdiction of the 39 State, I do not fail to say that the honorable appointment of this city council that I gave gave his permission for this to happen, "the text reads.

For its part, the SSP reported in a statement that until tonight it was not he had been detained or denounced for the fight of Tzucabab

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