The pontifical contribution to the peace forums weakens


Two days after the transitional team of Andrés Manuel López Obrador confirmed the participation of Pope Francisco in the process of pacification of Mexico, the Vatican denied this information and said that "all this is missing of foundation ".

"The news that the holy father will participate in the conference (on pacification) has no basis," Vatican spokesman Greg Burke told international news agencies.

After clarification, the virtual elected president immediately formalized the invitation to the pontiff to participate in the peace forums that will be held from August 7, at the Apostolic Nunciature of Mexico

"On the basis of their moral and spiritual quality for the common good and peace, let me extend a cordial invitation to accompany the process of listening forums for the pacification of the country and reconciliation in Mexico, "says the document

However, the text of a page does not propose a face-to-face visit of the pope, but a remote participation electronically during the development of the forums, which will end one day before the taking. of López Obrador's protest as President of the Republic

"It would be a privilege for me and for all Mexicans to be able to count on their remote participation by electronic means of their preference, at the date that suits them Holiness over the next four months ", details the invitation

In the letter signed by López Obrador as candidate for the presidency, reference is also made to the importance for the next Mexican government to have knowledge of the best practices and guidelines applicable to the country and to society.

The invitation, which was presented with a copy to the apostolic nuncio, Franco Coppola, exposes the security crisis that Mexico lives, "not seen since the post-revolutionary times," and raises the intention of fulfilling a campaign promise after having successfully passed the July 1 elections. [19659002] "Under the popular mandate that has been conferred on me as a presidential candidate, I will fulfill my election promise to consult victims, citizens, international organizations, civil society, religious leaders and experts to explore all viable alternatives to achieve peace and reconciliation in the country, "he said.

Although the letter was delivered yesterday morning, the coordinator of the peace process, Loretta Ortiz, assured last Saturday that the head of the Catholic Church had already agreed to participate in these forums via Skype or video conference. 19659002] He even pointed out that Carlos Cruz, of the organization Cauce Ciudadano and who collaborates in the organization of the forums, had an approach with Pope Francisco in an informal public, which, according to Cruz, expressed his desire to answer the invitation in the affirmative. and even raised the possibility of sending two representatives of the Vatican.

However, López Obrador himself ruled out having accurate information on the subject the same day his collaborator confirmed the presence of the pontiff, noting that they took care of the forms

"We were informed that there is already an interest of the Vatican to participate, to help us, to accompany us in this consultation process, but I really do not have any more information, I do not want to say anything something that is not true

"Yes, they have informed me of this, but there is still no solid information on this subject; Yes, we are inviting, we have already done it and I think that even with the care of the forms, they could not answer now because there is still no elected president, "said AMLO that day.

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