The Pope asks 14 Cardinals to avoid power intrigues


Call for humility

VATICAN CITY (AP and EFE) .- Pope Francis yesterday invested 14 new cardinals, including 11 voters in a possible conclave, a few places where there is no had no cardinals, and reminded them that their highest price is to serve and they should never look over their shoulder.

At a ceremony at St Peter's Basilica in the Vatican, Francis celebrated what is the fifth consistory – the appointment ceremony of new cardinals of his pontificate and, as in previous ones, he was marked by the willingness to give the College of Cardinals greater representation of more distant churches.

They committed the obedience and fidelity to Pope Francis and his successors, the patriarch of Babylon Chaldeans, in Iraq, Louis Raphael I Sako, in what is interpreted as a gesture of proximity the situation of persecuted Christians in the region; and Joseph Coutts, archbishop of Karachi, Pakistan, another place where Christians are a minority. After this Consistory, there will be in the future conclave a Japanese, Thomas Aquino Manyo Maeda, archbishop of Osaka, and a cardinal of Madagascar, Désiré Tsarahazana, archbishop of Toamasina.

A Jesuit was also named Cardinal as the Pope, the Archbishop of Huancayo, Peru, Pedro Ricardo Barreto Jimeno, and great advocate of the Amazon and indigenous peoples.

The rest are meetings related to the Curia like the Spanish Luis Ladaria Ferrer, also Jesuit and since 1 July 2017 Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith; the ex-substitute of the secretary of state and now prefect for the cause of the saints, Giovanni Angelo Becciu

Also the pontifical Almonrier, Konrad Krajewsky, who will be the cardinal among the poor since he assured that he will continue his job of going out to the street.

The 14 are over, the vicar of Rome, Angelo De Donatis, and the bishop of Leiria-Fatima, Antonio dos Santos.

The three who are already 80 years old and can not be part of a conclave: the Mexican Sergio Obeso Rivera, the Bolivian Toribio Ticona Porco and the Spanish Aquilino Bocos Merino

to those who were Formerly called "princes of the Church", the pope reminded them that they must flee the jealousies and intrigues of the palace.

He emphasized that the highest decoration and "the greatest promotion that they can obtain is to serve Christ in the faithful people of God, in the hungry, in the forgotten, in the incarcerated, in the sick, in the addicted, in the abandonment …

He also encouraged them to "never look at others on their shoulders" despite their new position, adding that "It is only permissible to look down upon a person when they help him to get up."

At the Cardinals' Creation Ceremony, a term used in the Church to refer to this designation, the new cardinals knelt before the Pope to receive the cap that Francisco reminded them in Latin which is "red as a sign of the dignity of the cardinal's office, and signifies that you are ready to act with force, to the point of shedding your blood for the growth of the Christian faith … "[19659003] And the cardinal ring "sign of this dignity, pastoral and a stronger union with the siege of St. Peter the Apostle. "

The pope then exchanged the kiss of peace with the new members of the College of Cardinals and assigned them a diakonia, a Roman parish, with which they are linked to the clergy of Rome.

The Spanish Ladaria, a Jesuit like Francisco, received the church of San Ignacio de Loyola, in Bocos Merino, the parish of Santa Lucia de Congalone

At the new Peruvian cardinal the church of San Pedro y Pablo; Mexican obese, that of San Leon I, and the Bolivian Ticona Pordo, that of San Joaquín and Santa Ana.

Today, Francisco will celebrate the Mass for the feast of Saints Peter and Paul, patrons of Rome, with the new cardinals of the Plaza de San Pedro. [19659003]

At a Glance


Hundreds of faithful yesterday went to the Vatican to congratulate the 14 new cardinals, who expressed their emotion and commitment to promoting faith all over the world e already dressed in purple. 19659003] Visit to the Meritorious Pope

The Cardinals received the ring and the red cap of Francisco during a symbolic ceremony in the Basilica of San Pedro and, in the end, they visited the Pope Emeritus , Benedict XVI, who resides in the Matter Ecclesiae Monastery, within the walls of the Holy See

Prayer to the Virgin

Joseph Ratzinger, accompanied by his secretary Georg Gänswein, seated Francisco, who bowed and kissed his hand, and the new cardinals, and he prayed with them an Ave Maria in the chapel of his residence, where he lives since his resignation in 2013.

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