The Pope calls his Church to go to every corner of life and to "touch" the pain


VATICAN CITY (EFE). – Pope Francis today called on his church and the new cardinals to follow the example of Jesus and to go "to every corner of life" to "touch" the suffering of the people during Mass in honor of San Pedro and San Pablo.

The pontiff, at his homily at the Plaza de San Pedro, said that "the love" of Christ "means to go to every corner of life to reach everyone", although, as in his case, "which cost him the good name, the comfort, the position or the martyrdom."

In this sense, he called on his Church not to fall into the "temptation" to remain aseptic and far of the suffering of the peoples of the world.

"It is not uncommon for us to feel the temptation to be Christians by prudently keeping away from the wounds of the Lord Jesus touched the human misery, inviting us to be with him and to touch the suffering flesh of others, "recalls the Pope

Francis emphasized that" confessing faith with our lips and with our hearts requires identifying the secrets of the evil one. "

But also" learn to discern and discover those personal or community huts that take us away from the knot of the human storm "and that prevent" coming into contact with the concrete existence of others. "

prelates and cardinals that "Jesus the Anointed, who walks from town to town with the sole desire to save and raise what we thought was lost, anointed the dead, the sick, the wounds, the penitents, the hopes "

" In this anointing, every sinner, loser, sick, heathen, wherever he was, could feel a beloved member of the family of God. By his actions, Jesus told them in a personal way: you are mine, "he catechized

In this mission to the Catholic hierarchy, the Argentine pontiff said that, with the example of Christ, "Glory and the Cross", "Because when the cross is abandoned, even if we enter into the dazzling splendor of glory, we will be deceived, since it will not be the glory of God, but the meaning, he explained that "by not separating the glory of the cross," its end, Jesus with his example saves his Church from the "empty triumphalism" of "love, service, compassion, and people." [19659002] Fourteen new cardinals created on Thursday, including the Spanish Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Luis Francisco Ladaria Ferrer, and the Archbishop of Peru Huancayo, Pedro Ricardo Jimeno Barreto.

But also the Spanish Claretian Aquilino Bocos Merino; the eminent prelate of the Bolivian diocese of Corocoro, Toribio Ticona Porco, and the archbishop emeritus of the Mexican Xalapa, Sergio Obeso Rivera, these three without the possibility of participating in a possible conclave for more than 80 years.

the ceremony was attended by a delegation sent by the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, Bartholomew I, led by the Archbishop of Telmessos, Job; the bishop of Nazianzos, Theodoretos, and the patriarchal deacon Alexander Koutsis.

Before mass in the square, the pope and representatives of the patriarchate agreed to pray the basilica in front of the tomb of St. Peter and then go in procession, before visiting the bronze sculpture of the Apostle, dressed in the cloak and papal tiara to emphasize the union between the saint and the bishop of Rome.

In this solemn ceremony of St. Peter and St. Paul, co-patrons of Rome, Francisco also blessed the pallias, woolen stoles that will be imposed in their respective seats on the new metropolitan archbishops.

It is a white ribbon with six embroidered black silk crosses that hangs from the shoulders on the chest and which is made from the wool of the blessed lambs on the occasion of the feast of St. Agnes, January 21st.

In the beginning, it was an exclusive liturgical sign of the popes, although later they granted it to bishops who had received special jurisdiction from Rome.- Gonzalo Sánchez

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