The pope will not participate in López Obrador's peace forums: Vatican spokesman


  The pope will not participate in the López Obrador peace forums: Vatican spokesperson

The Vatican clarified the news of the participation by videoconference of Pope Francisco in the peace forums organized by the next president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador


The Vatican clarified the news of Pope Francisco's videoconference participation in the peace forums organized by the next President of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

The news that the Holy Father will participate in this conference is unfounded, "Vatican spokesman Greg Burke

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The Vatican therefore denies the statements of the coordinator of the process of pacification of the next Mexican government, Loretta Ortiz, who reported that Francisco would participate in forums to pacify the country and would define a possible law of amnesty, to be held from August 7 to October 24.

Ortiz explained that two Vatican experts on the subject will travel to Mexico to attend these meetings but about this participation, the Holy See did not provide details

Francisco went to Mexico from February 12 to 17, 2016.

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