The Popocatepetl volcano releases incandescent fragments; predict the fall of ashes


Early in the morning of this Tuesday, the volcano Popocatépetl liberated incandescent fragments up to 400 meters on the slope also published an exhalation of ash that reached two kilometers in height.

The national coordinator of the Civil Protection, Luis Felipe Puente, informed by his Twitter account that the volcano Popocatépetl presented an activity.

This morning the volcano Popocatépetl started its activity and at 5:15 began to decrease we continue in Amarillo Phase 2, meanwhile before the fall of the ash. "

The information was corroborated Gustavo Salvatori, director of the operational unit of municipal civil protection in Puebla, published: "The activity continues in the settings provided in the yellow stage alert scenarios 2. Maintain the 12 km safety perimeter. 19659007] L & # 39; continuous activity in the volcano Popocatépetl, due to the wind direction no ash fall is expected in the city of Puebla, the continuous warning in phase 2 YELLOW, we maintain surveillance peak.

– Gustavo Salvatori (@GusSalvatori) Jul 31 let 2018

The director of the operational unit of municipal civil protection in Puebla, Gustavo Salvatori, informed that the behavior of the volcano, as well as the direction of the wind that promotes the ashes fall into the State of Mexico and Morelos.

Carlos Valdes, Director General of the National Center for Disaster Prevention (Cenapred), published in his account and Twitter a video of the activity of the volcano Popocatépetl

Video of the activity of Popocatepetl at 3:10 . Launching glowing fragments up to 400 meters on the slope of the volcano. The ash reaches 2 km in height. "

Video of the activity of Popocatepetl at 3:10. (Twitter / @ CarlosMValdes1)

Video of the activity of Popocatépetl at 3:10. (Twitter / @ CarlosMValdes1)

The Cenapred urges to do not approach the volcano and especially the crater, because of the danger of falling ballistic fragments and heavy rains in the bottom of ravines because of the risk of landslides and mudslides. 19659006] The scenarios envisaged for the yellow phase 2 alert are as follows:

1. Continuous explosive activity from low to medium scale Low to moderate ash rains in nearby towns

3. Opportunity of pyroclastic flows and short-range mudslides

With the information of FOROtv


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