The PRD will collect signatures at the national level to lower the price of gasoline


Ángel Ávila Romero estimated that the prices of gasoline had an impact on the economy of Mexican families due to rising prices of staple foods and public transport.

PRD will collect signatures at the national level to lower the price of gasoline | Today's Chronicle

Photo: Special

The Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD) will collect signatures across the country to allow the new government to fulfill the promises regarding gasoline prices and eliminate the special tax on production and services (IEPS).

Its president, Ángel Ávila, said that gasoline prices are impacting the economy of Mexican families because of rising prices for staple foods and public transport.

He mentioned that the IEPS was an invention allowing citizens to pay the costs of the fall of oil and reiterated that the PRD never favored the rise of fuels ", quite the contrary, he has always struggled with this problem, we have introduced in previous legislatures bills to eliminate this tax ".

In the coming days, the law on the budget of income and expenses will be presented and we will see if the tax is eliminated or not, he said.

According to a statement, he stressed that the PRD will continue to prepare initiatives to reduce the price of fuel and gasoline. He called on the rest of the political forces to promote this issue and to mobilize the public so that he will join the demand in this regard.

He said that in the campaign that will begin, the Sol Azteca party will mobilize the entire PRD structure in the country, states, municipalities, activists and supporters. Estimates, will be presented to the Chamber of Deputies to be the political representation of Mexicans.


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