The PREP falls in Yucatan


  PREP falls in Yucatán

Given the anomaly in the PREP, a technical committee was formed with academics from the Faculty of Mathematics of the University of Yucatán (Photo: Cuartoscuro) [19659003] MERIDA

The Institute of Electoral and Citizen Participation of Yucatan, informed that the PREP has intervals that do not allow to know the update of the votes to know the pointer in the election of the state.

Yesterday, in the quick account published by the INE, positioned the candidate of the PAN and Movimiento Ciudadano, Mauricio Vila, virtual winner with a 38 and 48% advantage against his opponent , the PRI member, Mauricio Sahuí, 34 and 19%

However, from 07:00 hours of July 2 began the anomaly .

PRI could lose Yucatan ]

The presidential adviser, Maria de Lourdes Rosas Moya, reported that closes today at 20:00 the account, and the result Official begins with the municipal and district counties from Wednesday to Friday .

Rosas indicated that ] the packets did not arrive in their entirety to district councils after the election.

Faced with this anomaly, a technical committee was formed, with scholars from the Faculty of Mathematics of the University of Yucatán

The Institute of Electoral and Citizen Participation of the Yucatan (IEPAC) in total counted 164 incidents .

The case of the Canicab police station in the municipality of Acanceh was mentioned they burned an electoral package, in Tekom and Kanasín, they continue to count the votes in boxes.


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