The President of Laboratoire HAL remembers his friendship with Satoru Iwata


While Satoru Iwata's story accounts for all that he has brought to the industry as a Nintendo worker, he is also referring to his origin in HAL Laboratory, where the designer has made her first professional steps and established one of the most sustainable links in the video game industry. Recently, Satoshi Mitsuhara, president of the company, spoke about his friendship with the former president of Nintendo.

In an interview for Forbes Satoshi Mitsuhara, president of HAL Laboratory, company responsible for the existence of Kirby Earthbound and important and vital part of the series Super Smash Bros. took a moment to remember Satoru Iwata, the former president of Nintendo. At first, Mitsuhara recalled the beginning of the relationship between the two companies, due to Iwata's desire to make games for the famous Famicom, after trying their luck at the MSX: "Satoru Iwata, who had worked for HAL Laboratory At that time, he expressed the wish to create Famicom games for Nintendo, which marked the beginning of our relationship with them.The point of difference between us and our competitors was that we created games before the launch of Famicom. "

Subsequently, the president of the HAL Lab highlighted one of the values ​​that distinguished Satoru Iwata throughout his career, honesty:" He was a right person he never tried to cheat, nor even intention.When other people were cheating or doing something clandestine, he never used it as a dicey thing. reason to do the same. At work, he was also a very This, which made his company very pleasant. He also had a great ability to do things, he could assume different responsibilities at the same time. We were very good friends. "

Finally, Mitsuhara told an anecdote from the time they were in the development of Earthbound Mother 2 in Japan, for SNES, which was marked by working sessions and Play sessions in a nearby arcade: "At the time we were very busy with Mother 2 for the Super Famicom we went to dinner after work. After dinner and on the way back we used to visit the arcades and played Daytona USA 2 times exactly, always 2 and we retired. I admit that we did it every week and that it was really hard to work hard and play hard. "

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