The Presidents of the world congratulate AMLO on its victory


State leaders and political leaders of Latin America and Europe contacted Andrés Manuel López Obrador as a result of his virtual triumph in the United States. presidential election of July 1st.

This morning, the coalition candidate Together we will make history received phone calls from Central American Presidents Carlos Alvarado of Costa Rica; Jimmy Morales, from Guatemala; Salvador Sánchez Cerén, from El Salvador

In particular, with these last two presidents, López Obrador "stressed the interest of Mexico to accept" The United States and Canada were among the first countries to send a congratulatory message to López Obrador, who and, according to the National Electoral Institute (INE), obtained between 53% and 53.8% of the votes.

"Congratulations to Andrés Manuel López Obrador for becoming the next president of Mexico. I am very eager to work with him, "wrote US President Donald Trump on Twitter, where he stressed that" there is much to be done that will benefit both countries. "

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