The proposals of Diego Sinhue Rodríguez in education | UN1ÓN


Diego Sinhue Rodríguez Vallejo presents himself as the next governor of Guanajuato .

According to the results of the exit surveys and the Preliminary Results Program (PREP), the candidate During his campaign, Diego Sinhue Rodríguez is committed to investing to improve the conditions of education and innovation in the state, through transversal work that can generate ideal conditions to have a better society

The thematic focus Innovation in education, culture, sport, science and technology is the seventh proposal that will constitute the government plan.

The nine strategic axes that make up this axis are:

1. Coverage and total inclusion of children in education. At the basic education level, implement a program so that no girl or boy in conditions of vulnerability such as poverty, abandonment, violence, disability, disability, or other forms of life. Native origin, temporary migration and deportees do not fall outside this level of education. School stay for each child. The school information and control system will be strengthened to ensure timely follow-up for each student so that, in collaboration with parents and various social and governmental bodies, they can act on their behalf.

Complete training for life. Education is the lever to improve state development, so it will put more emphasis on relevance, relevance, efficiency, effectiveness and efficiency. inclusion through strategies such as: accelerating technological change in educational processes by connecting the network to all schools, the academic use of cell phones, tablets and social networks and making greater use of them technology with applications on mobile devices, so that parents are informed of the help and contingency of their children in schools

4. More graduates with more job opportunities. The terminal efficiency of high school graduates and the integration into the labor market of graduates will be the outstanding objectives of upper secondary education through different actions: pay attention to abandoned students who have abandoned the school. school and reintegrate returnees into the school system; support for entrepreneurial projects or continuity in higher education.

5. Professionals with a social meaning There is a great challenge where future professionals find more work, a project of personal life and a social commitment for the good of the state. Therefore, it will be sought to promote with higher education institutions through academic mobility agreements, double degree at the national and international level.

International Bursaries The link between the productive and university sectors requires better preparation of young people, which enables them to continue their studies and facilitate their insertion into the labor market with a better knowledge and a better development of their skills.

Technological Innovation for Development. A national system of vocational training, talent and innovation will be strengthened to enable businesses from all sectors of the economy to participate in the design of programs with relevant skill profiles; articulate research and innovation for the development of current and incubating clusters.

8. Culture as identity and instrument of social peace. Culture is our identity and unity as Guanajuato, which must be inclusive and serve as a basis for strengthening the social fabric and instrument of social peace involving civil, educational and cultural organizations, the business sector and various public institutions.

9. Physical activation and sport for a healthy life. . A challenge of the new government will be to achieve universal access to physical activity and sport of the people of Guanajuato to encourage healthy and active lifestyles that enhance the well-being of the people. Create a physical and sport activation program for marginalized areas and rural communities, as well as develop and expand public sport and recreation spaces with equipment and ongoing maintenance, aimed at physical activity and sport of the whole population.

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