The Queen did not let King Philip hold his umbrella in the rain


The Queen Letizia made a new gesture to King Felipe VI in front of dozens of cameras, while he was not allowed to hold his umbrella [VIDEO] in the rain when he arrived at the award ceremony Foundation Princess of Girona . The gesture has been criticized in social networks by thousands of users who can not help but remember that this is not the first snobby Dona Letizia [VIDEO] made to the monarch.

In short, this 2018 has not been the Year of the Queen of Spain, who has already starred in several episodes that have only sparked controversy. And it seems that the strong character of Letizia never changes, even in important events.

Donña Letizia and Don Felipe were awarded the prize-giving ceremony of the Foundation Girona for creative, enterprising and talented young people, despite the rain was falling that day

The event was taking place in the spaces of the Mas Marroch- Center of Esdeveniments, so formalities and elegance could not be missed. On this occasion, the Queen wore a Carolina Herrera dress of a bright red and her hair combed in a flawless collection that left her face uncovered

She barely got out of the car in which she was riding with the [19459004King some participants offered the queen a blue umbrella, so that her eyes would not be ruined by the water. The wife of Philip VI seized the umbrella and cautiously walked on the wet ground to her husband, who was waiting for him a short distance from the vehicle.

Unlike Letizia the king wore nothing to protect himself from the drizzle, but she waited patiently for the queen until she came to her. At that time, the monarch extended his hand to Letizia's umbrella but, to the surprise of all, she rejected the gesture, taking the object harder and struggling lightly with Felipe up to the end. to what he's giving up on taking it.

The critics

After the queen did not share the umbrella with him, the king of Spain walked to the nearest tent with a calm gesture, unaware of what s & rsquo; Had passed. However, those who did not neglect the situation were the cameramen

The critics were not long in appearing, as many claim that what Letizia did is a lack of respect towards don Felipe . However, there are those who defend the attitude of the queen, the feminist and independent caller.

Finally, although no one knows what was going on in the head of doña Letizia when arriving at the ceremony, she is once again in the eye of the Hurricane, which has not really come out since the beginning of the year.

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