The rape charge is not a distraction


Cristiano Ronaldo spoke of the rape charge, Monday, at a press conference for the meeting of Champions League between Juventus and Manchester United.

Ronaldo spoke publicly about the investigation opened by the Las Vegas police for a 2009 lawsuit involving Kathryn Mayorga, who claims to have been raped by the Portuguese footballer, saying "The truth is still in first place".

Monday was the first time Ronaldo had been officially speaking accusations since he had made a statement via Twitter on Oct. 3, in which he "firmly" denies the charges and calls the crime of rape "an abominable crime that goes to the No matter what I am and what I believe in. "

Ronaldo said that he was calm and aware of the fact that he is an example on and off the pitch. EFE

Las Vegas-based Ronaldo lawyer Peter S. Christiansen acknowledged this month that Ronaldo and Mayorga had signed a confidentiality agreement in 2010, one year after filing the complaint.

On Monday, Ronaldo answered questions about the case.

"I am a happy man," said Ronaldo.

"If I'm not mistaken, we made the statement two weeks ago, I'm happy, of course, I'm not going to lie in this situation, I'm very happy.

"My lawyers have confidence and, of course, me too.

"The most important thing is that I enjoy football, I enjoy my life, for the rest, I have people who take care of me, of course, the truth always comes first, so everything goes well.

"I know I'm an example, I know, one hundred percent, on and off the pitch, so I always smile, I'm a happy man, happy to play in a fantastic team, I have a fantastic family I have four children, I am in good health.

"I have everything, so the rest does not interfere, I am really very good."

At the beginning of the conference, Ronaldo avoided a question about the Real Madrid has had problems this season since leaving for Italy.

"I do not want to compare Juve and Real, they are two fantastic teams," he said. "It's a new chapter in my life, it's not the time to talk about other clubs, the reviews of other teams do not interest me and I'm not the right person to speak."

What he did, however, is talk in depth of another member of his team, United, facing his return to Old Trafford for the first time since 2013.

He stated that he would not party if he scored after refusing to do so, while he scored a goal for Real Madrid in the UEFA Champions League Round of 16 at the stadium. , five years ago.

"It's special for me to go back to Manchester," Ronaldo said.

"Here, I have a lot of memories of victoras and affection, especially with Sir Alex Ferguson, to whom I send a big hug, that 's a person who' s m>. helped a lot. "

Ronaldo was also questioned about the controversy surrounding the Puskas Trophy for best goal of the season.

His spectacular head of Real Madrid against Juventus was underrated for the sake of a goal of Mo Salahbut Ronaldo insisted he does not worry about that.

"I think it's not the most important thing," he said.

"I'm not obsessed with individual prizes, I have to focus.

"The last two months with Juve have been spectacular, I really like to play here, everything is fine, the team is fantastic.

"Prices do not mean everything to me, they help and they are good, but they are not an obsession, I earn a lot of trophies, so there is no problem."

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