The regime regains ground in southern Syria in the midst of negotiations


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The Bashar Asad regime has resumed Sunday control of new sites in southern Syria, where negotiations between the rebels and Russia continued on the fate of other sectors still in the hands of insurgents, reported an Oenege

. and a town close to the Jordanian border as part of the "reconciliation" accords, which are likened to capitulation, imposed on the rebels after fierce fighting, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights. man (OSDH). 19659005] "On Sunday, five new" reconciliation "agreements were concluded in the cities of Al Mseifra, Kahil, Sahwe and Al Yizé, as well as in the city of Bosra al Sham," said the director at the 39; AFP. of the OSDH, Rami Abdel Rahman

The forces loyal to Bashar al Asad launched on June 19, with the support of the Russian air force, a major offensive to recover the rebel sectors of the province of Deraa, considered the cradle of the response against the Syrian regime in 2011. The city of Deraa is still divided between rebels and pro-government forces.

According to the OSDH, the regime already controls nearly 60% of this province, bordering Jordan and the Golan Heights. , partly occupied by Israel. The rebels have 34.6% and the Islamic State group, with 6.6%, according to the same source.

The air strikes and fighting this Sunday in the Tafas region in the northwest of the province, they left 10 rebels dead and seven dead among the regime's forces, said Abdel Rahman.

With them, the balance of fighters loyal to the regime killed since June 19 stands at 117, against 74 among the rebels, according to the OSDH, which also counts 132 civilians killed, including 25 children.

"During the day more than 22 attacks were launched against Tadas, before the airstrikes broke down in the late afternoon to an exchange" In the rest of the province of Deraa, a cease-and-desist has been maintained since Saturday at 19:00 (16:00 GMT) to facilitate ongoing negotiations, "he added.

Saturday, the regime had already recovered eight ocalidades thanks to the agreements of" reconciliation "[19659005] The official Sana news agency said Sunday that in one of these areas, in Dael, the national flag was hoisted, and the state television showed images of locals celebrating the return of

Western powers denounce military operations launched on June 19 against Derra and several NGOs say they fear a new humanitarian crisis in the country, at war since 2011.

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