The regularization of the water service in the CdMx will last until the weekend, ensures the Sacmex


After the morning of this Sunday, the operation of the pumping machines for the restoration of the water service in the metropolitan area was restarted, the technicians noticed that one of the installed elements, called inverted K, had undergone a relocation. .

Conagua said the work would last from 36 to 40 hours, which would extend the duration of the water in the Mexico Valley.

Mexico City, November 5 (However) .- The National Water Commission (Conagua) reported that the provision of of water of the Cutzamala system it will restart tomorrow tuesday between 15 and 19 hours. The Mexico City Water Distribution System (Sacmex) clarified that the water supply in the country's capital will be taken up by zones and will end until the weekend.

Roberto Ramirez de la Parra, Director of Conagua, explained that it should "restart the water supply between 3 o'clock in the afternoon and 19 o'clock tomorrow night Tuesday".

He therefore reiterated the call for citizenship to maintain the measures of water maintenance.

For his part, at a joint conference, the owner of Sacmex, Ramón Aguirre, said that "if we have pumping from 5 pm in the afternoon [martes] 6, we will be able to partially fill the main cisterns of the western zone: the town halls of Allvaro Obregón, Miguel Hidalgo, Magdelana Contreras, Coajimalpa and Tlalpan ".

"We would have a partial situation in Cuauhtémoc and Benito Juárez, and we would have until Thursday to start serving in Azcapotzalco and Iztapalapa," he said.

Then he added that to improve the pressure of water in the offices of the last two mayors, as well as in those of Venustiano Carranza, Iztacalco, Iztapalapa, "we are talking until the weekend".

At dawn, in a statement, Conagua announced that the water supply of Mexico City and the State of Mexico had been interrupted following the removal of one of the rooms of the Cutzamala system at its assembly.

He said that after the morning of this Sunday, the restart of the pumping machinery to restore the water distribution service in the metropolitan area, the technicians realized that one of the parts installed, known as inverted K, had been damaged. a relocation

As a personal precaution, the unit decided to suspend the pumping of water in the valley of Mexico to reduce the pressure on the room.

After conducting a technical analysis of the resistance of the materials, specialized engineers made the decision to cut the part into its interconnection with the second high-pressure pipe in order to avoid additional damage to the structure that would compromise its integrity.

Conagua said the work would last from 36 to 40 hours, which would extend the duration of the water in the Mexico Valley.

The unit indicated at the end of the work, an expert opinion will be given to determine the causes of this incident and take appropriate action.

The Commission has asked the citizens concerned by the court to maintain the measures of rationalization of the water throughout the duration of this setback.

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