The remains of & # 39; China & # 39; Mendoza will rest in Guanajuato


Maria Luisa China Mendoza had a relationship with death since childhood. He shared with MILENIO :

"The Guanajuatenses come from death; I played with her since birth: my father was president of the municipality and the guardians of the crypts where the mummies were allowed to pass, me and my friends, where we played with them. (May 17, 2016)

In this interview, the reporter confessed that she did not want me to be awake, although it is not a funeral: "I want them to pinole me, put me in a garbage bag in Guanajuato, to the hill, to the lighthouse that my father ordered to build and when the old guard is neglected, to throw away the garbage that will be me, so that my remains go everywhere in Guanajuato. "

And His Will Will Accomplish: China Mendoza who died today at the age of 88, will be cremated tomorrow and her ashes will be taken to the lighthouse that her father built in her homeland, Guanajuato, as she wished
[19659004] Viviana and María Luisa Mendoza Palacios, daughters of her brother Javier, Gloria Elena and Jessica Mendoza Moheno, of her other brother Manuel, in addition of her sister Teresa, know this desire.

Last Monday, the reporter entered the National Institute of Nutrition for a series of reviews and studies, "she had not as indicated as such, brought a little anemia, so he had recommended that studies and analyzes, "says Clemente Sánchez, husband of Viviana Mendoza, niece of the writer.

" Everything was fine but on Thursday afternoon he suffered a respiratory arrest, from which he was able to leave; in fact, it remained under observation in the region of intensive therapy and practically this remained until 1:20 am. Unfortunately, the heart did not help much, "he remembers who even took care of the social networks of China .

Journalist of Volcanic Prose

L & D Writer Elena Poniatowska China Mendoza succeeds in innovating the language, turning it into a baroque entity ", just like Guanajuato, his land. He wrote three novels published Joaquín Mortiz . I remember that from the street I yelled Joaquín the amo & # 39; "

" I always paid tribute to her, she was also a talented journalist. She was a great worker, who wrote a lot about things, she wrote about Salvador Allende . I think she was grateful, I saw her surrounded by people who loved her and admired her very much. "

For its part, Geney Beltrán Felix National Coordinator of Literature at INBA, emphasized the multifaceted personality of China : journalist, but also novelist, storyteller , essayist, screenwriter and author of biographies, which makes her an author with multiple literary vocations

"What I save, I think what literary history will thank a lot, what His prose is volcanic, tumultuous, impetuous, with great flexibility and spontaneity and an ability to incorporate familiar speeches into a very robust literary discourse, which comes from his great literary culture and his awareness as 39, artist of the word.

"On the other hand, we must emphasize three of his books: With him, with me and with us three [1945900] 4] of absence and Eyes of flying paper a triad of which I would recommend the second, a novel that explores feminine sexuality with great frankness, with an almost obsessive condition and with an opening to record in the literature aspirations that had been badly treated, "stresses Beltrán

At the funeral home, several photographs surround the coffin, one of them child with his father, who gave him the nickname of China .

The Secretary of Culture announced that a tribute is already planned in the Fine Arts.



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