The risk of the "good end" are the most stolen goods in the temporality


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"El Buen Fin", this seasonal marketing factor, in addition to attracting customers, also attracts the attention of criminals and is that, according to the company ALTO Mexico, the most stolen drugs during the four days of promotion are drugs, crime that increases up to 556%, compared to a normal day.

In addition to the above, screens and electronic equipment are the best-selling products in department stores, these products also double the number of stolen flights. In this case, it is the management of organized gangs, revealed the agency.

In her statement to The Economist, Karina Soriano, Legal Director of ALTO Mexico City, said that video games, as well as consoles, increased their number of flights by 527%, probably close to Christmas Day.

This effect has its origin in the winter season, because among drugs, the most affected segment is that of flu and cough syrup.

According to various reports in the press, the survey conducted in Alto Mexico has revealed that tablets and mobile phones, which are also the main target of criminals, are now highly sought after for their easy trade on social networks. They increase their percentage. 393%, while formula increases their removal by 383%.


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