The Rovzar works with Salma Hayek for another Emmy


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Salma Hayek will work with Billy and Fernando Rovzar in the new Mexican series of Netflix, Monarca.

"This is an ambitious project that we have been developing for a few months with Salma's company, Netflix People and Us.Netflix invests a lot in Mexican productions, especially in this case Salma involves in production in Mexico; If I'm not mistaken, it's the first in Mexico and we're honored, "said Billy Rovzar in an interview.

The businessman said that, although initially feared by Hayek 's amount of work, the actress showed. Pay attention to every step of the project.

"This is a very busy woman. At first, I thought, will you get involved in the project? And he was very busy. I do not doubt that you leave here. We will start filming in September or October in Mexico City and there will be a lot going on in Jalisco, since one of the companies in this family (the series) is tequila. We will play a lot with teaching the world everything about tequila, agave, culture and Mexican tradition. "

Rovzar said that he had had long calls with Hayek to talk about the story, the storyline and the development of the character, among other details.

" She is a perfectionist. It's a person who has a very good understanding of how to tell a story and it's something very refreshing. This is not a project where nothing else puts the name because it is very important this project. He has a complete attention to detail, as we do, and that makes him reach what the viewer likes. "

The producer did not hide his desire to have an Emmy in his hands, as the winner last year for the HBO series, Mr. Ávila.

"Once you try it, it's like tattoos, you want the next one. We want another Emmy with Monarch and that is the goal. "

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