The rush


To George Orwell, with affection

Horses of fine print, powerful thoroughbred steeds locked in a common corral, squandered their talents and abilities, their prodigious strength, their dazzling courage to win any matter. what a fight and bet, in the huge abandoned yard of a farm, despite the fact that many of these magical and magnificent equines had won several "derbies", the most prestigious of the whole world. The gunner II of Kentucky had been delivered to the indomitable force of the Aztec I, a unique creature in the history of zoology of all time. Never did four-legged creatures, like the Mexicans, have been so required by all racetracks in the world to have evaluated a temperament and claw rarely seen among the great equestrian exploits in any way of the world. .

How was it possible that such unique specimens on the planet, did not enjoy the best of their muscles and their brilliance in major equestrian competitions? ", Ask the experts before a waste of such remarkable faculties of ferocious animals. They survived in a rotten and decomposed environment. They were fed with wild fodder and not with the ideal pastures cultivated for exceptional living beings. They drank scarce, stinky and contaminated water. They conquered without anyone taking care to pick up their excrement according to the most basic hygienic rule and spent the night with their four legs stuck in a stinking mud, in a nauseating mud without the farmers suffering terrible living conditions of their livestock. () After all, they were animals. They did not imagine that these "living beings", as they referred to the horses of their property, could get fed up with repasto, zacatal and dehesa. Why so much carefree in the presence of such precious beings who were tired of the same fodder, the same wheat, the same stinking water, the smelly and emetic mud, in short absolute abandonment?

Animals Confined, Desperate, A supposed hello, just supposed, they heard the voices of the neighbor farmer who reconciled them with existence. The savior opened the doors of corrals and invited them to freedom, in search of better living conditions. He and he alone had understood the terrible sorrow of the magnificent and irreplaceable horses and called them to a better life, to enjoy an insurmountable quality of food; It offered fresh, non-smelly water, clean straw, grated food, covered stables, timely services provided by professional veterinarians, timely assistance for loaded mares, hygiene and nutrition. unparalleled well-being and even more. Kentucky, in addition to the other major racetracks in Europe and the United States. The promise and the offer were unmatched, especially when there was no visible opportunity in sight, beyond the untamed exploitation to which they had been subjected not only the latter years, but also in centuries of burial in situations unimaginable and inherited from generation to generation and without hope or profit.

When the doors of the sheepfolds were suddenly opened, the first thoroughbred horses began to leave, suspicious. Mistrust was as obvious as pathetic. The great equines turned left and right in search of their known masters. Nobody came to their aid and their advice and came to ignore it. By the time the last creatures left the courts of closure, suddenly the great herd heard gunshots while fierce dogs trained by cowboys, actually cattle thieves dedicated to stealing cattle. Some frightened, some full of hope, desiring better moments that did justice to their wasted state, the horses, now wild, began to run in the opposite direction of the noise, the din caused by the deafening roar of blows. fire and threatening barking of dogs. There was not a single animal that joined the great feast of freedom and the improvement of its terrible existence. Soon everyone followed the leader who waved his hat by kicking left and right and happily neighed in a chorus of happy horses never heard.

The jubilant jubilation began its unstoppable march, crazy and unbridled, with nothing and nobody could contain it The joy was total. Its meaning was indisputable. The flight involved reconciliation. How to deny it when hell on earth was worse than eternity? Nothing could be more painful. Blind dissolution meant the road to freedom. The new master's voices contained unmistakable access to a new and fearsome destiny. Run, everyone run, go to the wonderful call of salvation. In his exasperating career, the chief himself did not notice his rejoicing, that the horses were moving happily towards a new destination: an immense precipice, a huge cliff from which no animal would be alive because the first to notice the tragic situation was not they could stop when they were victims of the pressures of the latter, who ignored their fateful fate. Come on, go on, euphoric whistle … Only a few of the equines, the rest, could stop just in time, before falling into the abyss, only to check the deception that they have been the victim of a justified sense of prosperity that could never materialize

Even thieves could not take advantage of livestock because it had disappeared forever. From the heights, they mourned their misfortune to see the animals torn apart …

No equine, not even purebred, could assume the existence of a much higher than the one already suffered ..

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