The sanitary control of marijuana is mandatory: Cofepris


The Federal Commission against Protection against Health Risks (Cofepris) has ensured that sanitary control of cannabis is mandatory, which is why any application must comply with the "Cannabi Health Control Guidelines".s and derivatives ", published on 30 October.

Julio Sánchez y Tépoz, director of the agency, explained that these clauses govern everything related to medicine, research and the industrial use of marijuana, as well as cultivation, harvesting, preparation, preparation, packaging, acquisition, possession, trade, transportation. medical prescription, supply, use, consumption, use of cannabis, for these purposes.

We recommend you:

In addition to attending the observations that have been presented by the National Commission for Better Regulation (Conamer), they are therefore aligned with the draft document that was presented in January this year.

In mentioning this, he added that, under the strict respect of 50 articles in conformity with the directives of Cofepris, 351 authorizations had already been granted for the importation of the product for personal and individual ends.

At a press conference, the guidelines are "historic" as they fall within the scope of the removal of the ban and open the door to the cosmetic industry, to dietary supplements , food or drink.

"We have the obligation and the mandate to protect the population against the health risks of the products we consume and, therefore, the best standards, rules that determine the criteria that guarantee quality, safety and security. 39, effectiveness, are what we will apply to and each of the guidelines. "

Asked about the delay in publishing the guidelines, the official explained that work had been done – in coordination with different dependencies – to ensure that all elements were included to ensure strict sanitary control.

"Mexico has progressed and authorized, through appropriate regulation, products of quality, safety and efficiency.Cofepris has a mandate to protect patients, promote the growth of patients. an industry in an orderly way and always put people's health, that's the job, "he said.

Needed to legislate

Raúl Elizalde, who won the first license to use marijuana for therapeutic purposes, for the benefit of her daughter Grace, who needed a cannabis syrup to treat Lennox-Gastout syndrome, has considered appropriate to amend the law and allow patient self-cultivation

"I think the issue of self-cultivation is necessary to legislate, it is up to the Congress (Chamber of Deputies and Senators) to amend the law so that it can be included, for which the law should be modified, which I think is practical, "he said. an interview with Publimetro.

He emphasized that groups of patients who cultivate for their personal use need legal certainty, for which the authorities must weigh this need.

Regulated products

In accordance with current regulations, products such as allopathic medicines or herbalists, containing amounts greater than 1% of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), chemical agent that causes the psychological effects of marijuana, should apply for their medical registration before Cofepris; While medicinal plants containing less than 1% must process an alphanumeric code.

Cosmetics, foods and alcoholic beverages with amounts less than 1% THC must process a notice of operation. To the extent that anyone who wants to regulate the use of the raw material will have to request a notice of operation and the corresponding sanitary license.

Food supplements containing less than 1% THC must have a functioning notice and obtain the response to the consultation on the classification of products.

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