The SAT will audit more electronic invoices from today.


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As of today, the Treasury will apply a tighter electronic bill review process to verify that the taxpayer does not abuse the product identification or the the service indicated on the receipt.

Fiscalistas explained that there is a list of more than 52 thousand products and services to bill, but many times not looking, the code 01010101 is used, which indicates that it is not necessary does not exist in the catalog.

If the SAT finds errors in the invoice, there will be penalties for the customer and the supplier with fines of up to 13 thousand pesos for each emission detected with faults, warned the l & # 39; expert on tax issues and electronic invoice, Javier Zepeda

showed that if the tax office detects a supplier 100 invoices with errors, the fine is 13 thousand pesos for each of them [19659002] The customer who receives the receipt with errors, risk not to deduct the expense, alerted.

"From July, the SAT n or forgive an error in electronic invoices," he warned. The above is relevant if one takes into account the fact that 300 000 electronic examinations should be carried out in less than six months by the tax administration, compared to 70 000 in 2017.

In other words, 300 000 taxpayers will be audited by the SAT in a technological and virtual way.

The List On the SAT page, you can consult the general criteria to be considered for a better identification of products and services in the catalog of products and services for invoicing.

In the keys of the product or services to be invoiced, the type, division, group and class must be selected.

The suggestions that are mentioned are made taking into account the turn of the activity; For example: in the cafeteria, there is a list of drinks such as tea, water and fruit juice, each with a different key that must be put on the electronic bill.

"If you have a coffee Different types of breads and pastries to eat at home or take away, we offer the following product and service keys that you can register in the issued bills," says the SAT

There is one special for the preparation of literary articles. , journalistic, reporting or public opinion for its dissemination or publication in print or electronic media.

"If you are a taxpayer whose activity is the preparation of articles, columns, essays, reports to be published on paper, radio, television or in the electronic media, we you suggest the following service keys that you can register in the invoices you issue. "

There are 15 descriptions of products driven or services such as: mass communication, internet related services, article writing scientific or academic, news and advertising services, bulletin and communications services among others.

But in case of irregularity detected in billing, the SAT informs that taxpayers may file a complaint.

complaint or complaint may be filed with the General Evaluation Administration of the SAT, directly in the collector's internal control body or send an e-mail to the address: [19659017] 19659018] [ad_2]
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