The sci-fi writer Harlan Ellison dies at the age of 84


Harlan Ellison, famed American science fiction writer, died today in Los Angeles at age 84.

Photographer and lawyer Christine Valada said on her Twitter account that Susan Ellison, wife of the writer, asked her to announce the death of her husband, who died during the sleep.

In addition, Valada posted a farewell message from Harlan Ellison : "For a brief moment I was here and during I briefly imported it." [19659002]

Ellison, born in Cleveland in 1934, was a prolific science-fiction writer whose career spanned Short films like "A Boy and His Dog", which in 1975 will be adapted to the cinema in a film starring Don Johnson.

"Repent, Harlequin! Said the Ticktockman" and "I have no mouth and I have to scream" were the other of his most popular stories.

The author was also known for his work as a television screenwriter especially for the episode "The City on the Edge of Forever" from "Star Trek", which aired in 1967 and is considered one of the creative summits of this saga.

Ellison also left his signature on other series such as "The Man from UNCLE", "The Starlost" or "The Twilight Zone"

Many Ellison fans and colleagues showed on their social networks their sadness at the death of the writer.

"There was no one like him in American letters and there will never be any., Funny, eloquent, immensely talented," said the best-selling writer on his Twitter account Stephen King.


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