The second migrant caravan remains in Chiapas; the most favored go to Puebla


The second migrant caravan remains in Chiapas; the most favored go to Puebla

The fourth caravan integrated by the Salvadorans will rest in the municipality of Metapa de Domínguez and should move towards Tapachula in the evening or early morning (Photos: Reuters)


About 20 Hondurans from Mapastepec, bound for Pijijiapan, who made up the second caravan leaving at 3 am, were stopped by elements of migration at the Echegaray ejido port, where they remained stuck. until now.

The Hondurans' well-founded fear is that the MNI will arrest them, even though the federal authorities had promised, according to them, free transit until they arrived in the United States.

It is worth mentioning that in the Huixtla entrance, fifty migrants were arrested by elements of the MNI and the Federal Police.

The fourth caravan of migrants has already entered Mexico

The fourth caravan integrated by the Salvadorans will be based in the municipality of Metapa de Domínguez. They are expected to head towards night or early morning towards Tapachula, located about 30 kilometers away.

Until now, we have seen in the group a total disorganization.

Migrants head for Puebla; others remain in Veracruz

After traveling more than 70 kilometers by road this Saturday morning, the first groups of the migrant caravan made up of people from Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras arrived in Ciudad Isla, Veracruz.

In desperation, part of the contingent of the Central Americans decided to leave for Puebla and declared that the meeting point would be the parish of the Assumption, then enter Mexico City.

If they decide to go ahead, we see each other in Puebla, "said Gina Garibo, a member of the Pueblos Sin Fronteras organization, at a special assembly that This is happening this afternoon at the entrance to Ciudad Isla.

Let's go to Puebla ", is it far ?," Let's go where the night takes us! "Say the migrants who are on the road 145 that goes from Ciudad Isla to Sayula de Aleman, Veracruz.

Another group, composed mainly of children, women and families, has so far chosen to stay in the shelter that has allowed the municipal government of Ciudad Isla, in the center of this municipality.

Caravan migrates to the municipality of Isla, Veracruz

Around 6:30, the Central Americans left Sayula de Alemán, where a shelter was installed Friday at the municipal market. One by one, two by two, and small groups left the area, but some hesitated to take the road, fearing that it would become dangerous.

This, after the 150 trucks promised by the governor of Veracruz, Miguel Ángel Yunes, who at the time had offered to take them to Coatzacoalcos, did not arrive and allowed to solve the problem of the reduction of water consumption in Mexico City.

Now, part of the contingent, especially those traveling with children, strollers, wheelchairs, crutches or other handicaps, are advancing on a narrow, wet road through the rain that occurred on Friday night and early this morning.

Most prefer to ask "raite" or, as they have always done, risk their lives by clinging to a trailer or hose. Sayula de Alemán has not reached Isla Isla yet.

With information from Notimex


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