The sector seeking to modify the abortion project gains ground in the Senate


There are 36 senators who reject the initiative at the exit of the lower house and want to introduce changes; the debate will begin tomorrow at 5 pm, with the first plenary session of the commissions Source: Archive

legalization of abortion
has a strong rise before us

. The current photo, when it remains a month before the date set for the sending of notices by the commissions, on August 1, shows a majority of 36 senators who reject or require changes in the project approved by the

Chamber of Deputies
. The perspective that imposes, in light of the positions, is that the project is facing changes during its passage in the Senate.

According to a recount from the NATION, about 27 senators now support the sanction of an abortion law. legal, safe and free, while there are nine who have preferred not to advance their position as long as the debate in the commissions does not advance. However, faced with a strong social mobilization around the issue of abortion and the impact of the pressure exerted by the sectors that are in favor of legalization in the vote of the lower house, no figure can be considered as stone

When the project has not yet started to be discussed in committees (the first plenary will be tomorrow, at 17h), the anti-abortion sectors are ready to give up the categorical rejection of the 39 initiative and bet on the position of introduction changes to the text and bring it back to the deputies in second revision.

They take refuge in the 36 votes against the project that they reunite until the moment. This is no more, no less, half the body, which would ensure the decisive vote of Vice President Gabriela Michetti, declared anti-abortion.

Up to now, the objections have been expressed in a scattered manner, but could coincide in an alternative opinion that would face the approved version in the alternates
the meeting of August 8th.

In the anti-abortion sector, the Acting Senate Speaker made a point,

Federico Pinedo
(Pro Capital), which introduced a bill amending Article 88 of the Penal Code to allow judges to "reduce to a legal minimum the sentence imposed on women" (one year), taking as factors Attenuating: the quality of the reasons that determined him to act, especially the misery or difficulty of earning the necessary livelihood, "among other causes.

Behind the position of Pinedo are aligned the government senators as the radical Inés Brizuela (La Rioja) and Silvia Elías (Tucumán) They also expressed their rejection of Peronist legalization such as Miguel Mayans (Formosa) and Guillermo Snopek (Jujuy), and the renovator of Salta María Fiore Viñuales.

In a slightly more flexible position, although still contrary to the project approved by the lower house, senators like Rodolfo Urtubey (PJ-Salta) and Ernesto Martínez (Cambiemos-Córdoba), who are in favor of the decriminalization of abortion, but not its legalization.

For the senator of Cordoba, the way out would be to update the Penal Code in accordance with the FAL judgment of

Supreme Court of Justice
who has eliminated the sentence for the woman who wants to abort a pregnancy because of a rape.

In an atypical fact, and leaving aside their political differences, Cordovan Martínez, Laura Rodríguez Machado (Pro) and Carlos Caserio (PJ) have already announced that they will promote the changes in the project.

In dialogue with LA NACION, the Peronist Caserio anticipated his rejection of the initiative as approved by the lower house. "I do not agree with the project, I will vote against," he said.

Among his questions, Caserio cites some central points of the project: abortion can be practiced until week 14, children under 13 years and 16 years can do it without l '. their parents' permission and the alleged misreading of the text that would allow abortion at the end of pregnancy to those who claim to have been raped.

The missionary Maurice Closs (Front Renovador de la Concordia) also expressed his rejection of the project and his willingness to introduce changes.

In consultation with LA NACION, the former governor of Misiones worried about the cost to provincial health systems that would imply the free practice of abortion in public hospitals and hospitals. prohibition of institutional conscientious objection.

The debate has not yet begun, but the demand for the legalization of abortion has already begun in SE

Only within 30 days, when the opinion will be signed, will know how this movie will end.

Issues that could transform MPs' initiative

The date of notification will be August 1

The legal, safe and free abortion until the 14th week

  • In this case, the opinions are divided
  • The most conservative sectors do not want to know anything about legalization. They are only willing to "mitigate" the punishment for rape cases, taking into account the social situation of women.
  • Other senators, with a slightly more flexible position, are willing to decriminalize abortions for rape in accordance with the FAL Court Decision
  • A third position seeks to limit legal abortion for pregnancies up to twelve weeks.

Abortion in case of violation with the sole requirement of the victim's affidavit

  • In this case, There are also several positions among senators who oppose the bill approved in the deputies.
  • The most reluctant to legal abortion, safe and free, they try to adapt the penal code to the scope of the decision FAL
  • They argue that the bill of deputies is poorly written.
  • These legislators fear that this wording would allow a raped woman to have an abortion up to a state of advanced pregnancy, well beyond mana 14.

Objection of individual conscience and increase of expenses for provincial health systems

  • The debate was already being held in the Chamber of Deputies without major changes being included.
  • Critics of the project claim that institutions can also count on conscientious objection.
  • There is also criticism of the impact that the legalization of abortion would have on the provincial health care system.
  • Legislators of the border provinces warn that their hospitals are already receiving patients from other countries and that demand could increase

Permission to minors between 13 and 16 years to access abortion

  • The Project establishes that girls and adolescents of this age can access abortion with the requirement of informed consent.
  • The project is based on the best interests of the child who is covered by the Civil Code and international conventions.
  • However, there are senators who consider it necessary to mediate parental consent in the case of minors.
  • A more flexible position would require, at least, that the obligation to sign the parents of the girl or the adolescent

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