The singer "Pity" Álvarez surrenders and admits the murder


Buenos Aires (AP) – The singer Cristian "Pity" Álvarez, leader of the group Viejas Locas and one of the great references of Argentine rock in recent years, has returned Friday to the police after confessing that he had shot and killed a man during a dispute

"I was the one who shot … Yes, I l '# 39; I killed, because it was him or me and I think any animal would do the same. " the reporters arrived in the first hour of the day at the police station of Villa Lugano, a neighborhood located south of the Argentine capital, where the artist resides.

When he arrives at the police station and confesses his crime. Photo: AFP

The 46-year-old musician remained a fugitive for more than 24 hours after firing several shots at 36-year-old Cristian Diaz, at a discussion near his home. After committing the crime, he climbed into a car from where threw the gun into a sewer and fled.

With a dark blue woolen hat, large white-framed sunglasses and a colorful jacket, Álvarez arrived at the police station accompanied by his lawyer.

"He was a child who choreaba (steal) .I killed him because he was not going to kill me," insisted the rocker, who denied that the fight was related to drugs. ] The artist, who spoke with difficulty, also said that in the last hours he had been at friends' house.

Photo from Twitter: @pitialvarezok

Several people had declared in court that Alvarez was the author of the murder and that he had asked his interlocutor for drugs before they were involved in a fight. According to testimonies, Diaz allegedly attempted to hit the artist and he pulled out a revolver and gave him three shots in the face and a shot in his chest.

The authorities have not provided any information on Díaz. At a court cell in the Argentine capital, his lawyer, Sebastián Queijeiro, told reporters that his client had been arrested.

The lawyer stated that the victim had recently served a judicial sentence and that he had "surprised" Alvarez "is not an aggressive or violent person and there must be to have a fact that triggered that. "

He pointed out that the singer, who is a habitual consumer of drugs, "is sometimes euphoric and

Álvarez, who also headed the group Intoxicados, has been linked in the past to several criminal acts or violent, such as the illegal possession of a firearm, the assault of a fan and a blow in the leg to a music producer.

The songs of the rocker, whose colleagues consider that he has a great artistic talent, reflect a marginal world where the rules are continuously violated.In his song "Señor Kiosquero", with Intoxicados, he describes the aggression against the owner of a small company

In April Álvarez generated a scandal by not showing up at a Viejas Locas concert in the city of San Miguel de Tucumán, Spain.North of Argentina.The show was suspended after more eight hours of waiting by the public, and many of the assemblies took the stage and destroyed it.

Álvarez, who enjoyed fame in the '90s and whose successes include "It's the sun goes out" with Intoxicados and "Everything stays the same" with Viejas Locas, shared the stage or collaborated with Argentine artists such as Charly García and Andrés Calamaro

In this article:

  • Conjoción
  • Pity Álvarez
  • Argentina
  • Murder

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