The sky illuminates under the rain of stars


The show begins the night of October 28 and ends at dawn on October 29.


Mexico.- On the night of Sunday, October 28 and early morning of Monday, October 29, 2018, the night sky will be illuminated by the rain of stars known as Southern Taurids.

According to American Meteor Society (AMS by its acronym in English), taurides of the south are characterized by a long duration with several minor peaks during the months of October and November. Its name comes from the fact that they radiate from the constellation of Taurus.

These meteors have their origin in the comet Encke, the largest that has disintegrated over the last 30,000 years and is orbiting the Sun every 3.3 years.

According to experts, in this case rarely produce more than five members per hour and the most intense activity will take place at night and in the early morning of October 28 and 29, respectively.


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